Cai Tiancheng sorting

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Yang Junxin [email protected]

In addition to stopping the appeal of violence, the provision of humanitarian rescue proposed by the member states of the Asianiman also obtained a positive response from Myanmar.In the statement, a total of five consensus reached a consensus.

(Jakarta Composite Electric) Asia's member states held a special summit in Myanmar's crisis in Jakarta, Indonesia in Jakarta yesterday afternoon, requiring the Myanmar military to stop the blood on seeking domestic peace talks, as well as human rescue of other Asian -in -member members.These appeals to get a positive response from Myanmar.

According to the media, according to the media's leader, Min Anglai, the top leader of the Myanmar military and commander of the National Defense Forces, said that Myanmar accepted the proposal of stop violence proposed by other Asian member states.

Guo, the chairman of the Yajian Wheel Value, issued a statement saying that Ayanan reached a five -point consensus, that is, to stop violence, conduct constructive dialogue with all parties of Myanmar, appoint a Special Envoy of Yajian'an to promote dialogue, accept rescue, and allow special envoys to visit Myanmar.However, the statement did not mention the consensus of "release political prisoners" at the meeting.

Premier Li Xianlong said at the Asian Security Summit that Asian'an can and want to play a constructive role to promote the lasting and peaceful and peaceful political solutions, to restore Myanmar to normal and stable.

He emphasized that Asia has always supported Myanmar in the past, and now he will continue to do so."At the beginning of the 21st century, when other countries imposed sanctions on Myanmar, Singapore and Asia's Da'an maintained contact with Myanmar leaders and maintained open and constructive dialogue." LaterAt that time, Asian'an and Singapore also supported it, and finally witnessed the election government came to power.

Premier Li said: "We hope that this time, Myanmar will respond to the goodwill of Ya'an and cooperate with Asians to find the way forward."

Indonesian President Zoko suggested to appoint an Ayajian special envoy to establish a contact with all parties to Myanmar at the summit, and stated that the Myanmar military stopped violent operation.Zoko also called on Myanmar to open channels for rescue and to release all political prisoners in the Myanmar military.

Malaysian Prime Minister Muyading suggested that to resolve the Myanmar crisis, you must first ease the situation and stop violence and kill the people.Secondly, Myanmar must immediately release political prisoners unconditionally, allowing the chairman of the Asian Danu Delivery to enter the country, including all relevant units.He pointed out that the success or failure of Ya'an in Myanmar depends on whether the Burmese military is willing to cooperate.

The Ayan Special Summit was chaired by Brunei Sultan Pakia and was held at the Ayan Secretariat of Jakarta in the back door.Yesterday, except Laos, Thailand, and the Philippines were attended by the Foreign Minister, the leaders of other member states flew to Jakarta to meet.

Before and after the

Summit, Indonesia sent about 4,400 police officers in 51 places in the capital, and the road to the Asian Secretariat was temporarily closed.About 20 people gathered outside the venue of the summit yesterday afternoon, asking the Myanmar military to restore the democratic process. These people were later dispersed by the police.

This is the first physical summit for the first time since the outbreak of Yaxian's leadership.The Minister of Foreign Minister Ayan had held an informal meeting through video on March 2 on March 2.

Myanmar broke out in February this year that the military coup shocked the international community, and then the country has been in the country for more than two months of confrontation and bloody violence.A group of original elected government members overthrown by the Myanmar military have recently established the national unity government and appointed all members of the cabinet, but they were not invited to attend the Special Summit.The national unity government said yesterday that they are looking forward to taking a firm action on the issue of Myanmar.

Some analysts warn that Yajia'an invited the Burmese military leader to attend the summit risk, which may be regarded as acknowledging the legitimacy of the Myanmar military.