Yu Zeyuan Beijing reported

The Ukrainian crisis broke out. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday refused to say that Russia's military operations were "invaded" and called on all parties to keep restraint and strict words.Refucarie in the US government's concerns about Sino -Russian relations.

A response to Western media reporters about "whether China will condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine".The way European and American media ask questions, preconceived the word Invasion. "

She said that China is closely concerned about things and needs more information to make judgments.)

The relevant people of Beijing analyzed that on the one hand, China emphasized that the Ukrainian crisis has a complex historical background and various factors.It shows that it is unwilling to open the side between Russia and Ukraine.It is expected that China will not condemn Russia for "invading" Ukraine, let alone participate in the sanctions on Russia in Western countries, nor will they recognize the independence of two states in eastern Ukraine and try to avoid offending any other party and the European Union.

Hua Chunying: The United States is not qualified to tell China how to do

But China clearly pointed out that the United States should be responsible for the Ukrainian crisis.Hua Chunying criticized the United States yesterday that she has been continuously pushing tension and inciting the danger of war. After the fire burns, the United States as the ignition person has accused others of seeking fire.

In response to the US State Department spokesman Pois asked China to urge Russia to concessions on the Ukrainian issue and expressed concerns about the development direction of China -Russia relations. Hua Chunying toughly stated that the United States was not qualified to tell China how to do it.As for the United States hinted that Russia has support behind China, Hua Chunying said that Russia is an independent country, and I believe it will be "unhappy" to hear this statement.

She also said that Sino -Russian relations are based on "not alliance, not confrontation, and not targeting third parties".The practice of circles, China will not be interested and will not follow suit.

When talking about respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Hua Chunying's words turned around and mentioned that in the 1999 American bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the South China Alliance, emphasizing that "NATO has owed a Chinese blood debt in China so far"EssenceShe also said that China still faces the real threat of the United States and its allies on issues of China's internal affairs and damage to China's sovereignty security on the issues of Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.Director.

The Ukrainian crisis has become the hottest topic of the Chinese network in the past two days. Sina.com and other websites also reported live reports on the situation of Ukraine yesterday.Most netizens expressed their understanding of the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine. Some netizens believe that Russia violates Ukraine's sovereignty and territory, and China should condemn.

Internet celebrities refer to the Ukrainian crisis on China and three disadvantages

Some network opinion leaders also published an analysis of the impact of the Ukraine crisis on China.The WeChat account "Zhanhao" published an article yesterday that the Ukraine crisis has three interests and three disadvantages to China.

Sanli is: strategically Russia will contain NATO and the United States; European funds will flow into China; Russia's natural gas will be transported at low prices to China.Three disadvantages include: war does not conform to China's interests and meet the strategic interests of the United States; opposition between Russia and Europe is not conducive to the "Belt and Road" initiative; war will affect the global economic cycle stability and unfavorable to China.

The Internet public opinion unified the Ukraine crisis with the Taiwan Strait.

The WeChat account "Qin'an Strategy" posted that the mainland was decisive and unified, but it could end the people on both sides of the strait, especially the people of Taiwan, worried about warfire.In response to Taiwan's officials who do not recognize the "one China" and the actual situation of "independent countries", the mainland can first announce the dismissal of the Taiwan army, depending on the sales of Taiwan's weapons as an aggression, and promote the unity of cross -strait as soon as possible.

In addition, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine reminded Chinese citizens to stay at home yesterday. If you drive out, you can put the Chinese flag on the body obviously.