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The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on Thursday (February 24) that Russia's special military operations on the Bas of Bas will last in the Bashe region of Ukraine."Results" depends on and continue when needed.

According to Agence France -Presse, Peskov said at a press conference that the Kremlin believes that Russia's independent approach to the independence area of Wudong has received firm support from Russia's "most" people."Therefore, we expect this military operation to be supported by the Russian people."

However, there is no new independent polls, indicating that the Russian people think of this military operation.Peskov did not say how long this operation will last, but says that Russian President Putin will make a decision on "results".

Peskov said that the operation should "achieve the expected goal", "Ideally Ukraine was liberated and all Nazi elements were removed."He said that this was not "capture."