Sun Yun, director of China Project, director of the China Project of Washington Think Tank Statin Research Center, said that China and the United States are currently converging at the global level, but there are many different interests at the bilateral level to support the strategic competition of China and the United States.Moreover, China and the United States have taken completely opposite measures at the tactical level, which may be the most important reason for the current deadlock in the two countries.

Wang Wei Wen Chongqing Special Commission>

Sino -US relations scholar Sun Yun believes that China and the United States will strengthen communication on the issue of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the next six months, thereby reducing Sino -US tensions.She also pointed out that the world is seeing the first large -scale war that may really erupt after the Cold War, but it seems that it has not received sufficient attention and priority response from both China and the United States.

The US East and West Center held an online forum yesterday to focus on the trend of Sino -US relations.When the U.S. State Department, Rick Waters, deputy assistant assistant in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Mongolia, said that the current Sino -US relations were described as "although not exactly, but it is increasingly fiercely competitive.Come to define. "

He quoted the recent Indo -Pacific strategy released by the White House, saying that the United States depends on China in the region to pursue the scope of power in the region, and at the same time seek to become the most influential in the world in many fields to become the most influential in the world.Great country.

Hua Ziqiang believes that the United States is facing China, a "competitor who may be capable of combining economy, diplomacy, military, and technical forces, and has a continuous challenge that has never seen the United States in the international system in the international system.He also pointed out that China's diplomacy and foreign policies are aggressive, which has led to the complicated challenges of controlling Sino -US relations.

Hua Ziqiang said that the United States is in the fields of diplomacy, economy, science and technology, military, etc., and controls the increasing competitive relationship with China.He said that technology is the core of competition between the United States and China, and said that Beijing intends to weaken the long -term technological advantages of the United States to replace the United States as a global leader in the field of cutting -edge R & D."We (the United States) is using all the powers that the administrative department can use to protect our economic and security benefits."

Sun Yun, the director of China Project Director of the Statin Research Center of Washington Think Tank, USA, said that China and the United States said that China and the United StatesAt present, the interests of the world are converging, but at the bilateral level, many different interests support the strategic competition of China and the United States.Moreover, China and the United States have taken completely opposite measures at the tactical level, which may be the most important reason for the current deadlock in the two countries.

The US policy has competition with China, but it does not rule out cooperation

Sun Yun analyzed that the American approach isDivided into different areas means that although there are competition in China, it does not rule out cooperation.However, this has caused a lot of confusion in China. China believes that the US policy is inconsistent and contradictory, and it also questioned the feasibility of separating the topic.Beijing also believes that the issue of issues is a wonderful recipe for controlling relations with the United States.

She expects that China and the United States may continue. "If China is unwilling to cooperate, the United States may eventually have to give up (separate issues)./P>

For the three things that China and the United States can do to reduce tension in the next six months, Sun Yun proposed in the Q & A session that China should relieve the tourism restrictions on the implementation of the crown disease.Diplomatic activities between."The third is also a more practical issue. The United States and China need to come together to talk about Russia."

She said that the world is seeing the first large -scale war that may really erupt after the Cold War. "(China and the United States) It is unimaginable not to discuss this problem in a substantive way. "

Sun Yun also revealed that China’ s chosen invasion of Ukinea ’s invasion of Russian President Putin was caught off guard, and it also reflected that it also reflected that it also reflected thatHow high is the quality of China -Russia alliance.According to her contact with Chinese people in the past few months, I learned that China did not believe that Putin had really invaded Ukraine before. "Chinese people once said that he (Putin) had got everything he wanted. He did not need to invade (Ukraine)

She said that if China knew that Putin had to invade Ukraine, the joint statement issued by the China -Russia heads of state earlier this month "it will look very different."

On the other hand, whether Beijing will decide to martial arts in Taiwan according to the situation in Ukraine, Li Mingjiang, associate professor of the Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore, said that the Ukraine issue will not think that the Ukraine issue will deal with BeijingThere are any "significant practical impacts" in Taiwan.

He analyzed, which almost depends on Beijing's evaluation of his strength compared to the United States and other political consequences. It is believed that the mainland Wu Tong Taiwan is unlikely to happen in the next few years.

(Reporter is a special agent in Chongqing)