French luxury goods operator Chanel defeated in a trademark war with Huawei on Wednesday. Previously, a European High Court said that the corporate logo of the two was not similar.

According to Reuters, Huawei applied for registration and protection for its computer hardware trademark in 2017.The trademark pattern is a semi -ring that is entangled in the upper and lower.

Chanel objected to this, saying that the design of the trademark design is similar to its trademark registered in France, that is, the two semi -rings in the horizontal entangled.Chanel's trademark is used on its perfume, cosmetics, jewelry, leather goods and clothing products.

In 2019, the EU Intellectual Property Office rejected Chanel's opposition, saying that the two trademark patterns are not similar, and it is unlikely to cause public confusion.

Chanel subsequently appealed in a general EU court in Luxembourg, and the court rejected the appeal in Wednesday's verdict.

The ruling states that the visual differences between the two trademarks are very large."In particular, Chanel's trademark curve is more rounded, the lines are thicker, and the direction is horizontal, and the Huawei trademark is vertical. Therefore, the EU general courts determine the differences between the two."