Russian President Putin announced on February 24th local time to launch a "special military operation" in Donbass, eastern Ukraine. The Russian military reportedly launched an attack on several Ukrainian cities. The Chinese in the Ukrainian capital Kiev saidKiev heard many explosions in the early morning of the day. The road out of the city was squeezed out of the Ukraine to escape from west, and supermarkets and banks were full of people.

According to the Global Times, Mr. Li, the person in charge of a Chinese -funded enterprise in Ukraine, said that he suddenly heard four waves of bombardment when he smoked in the window on the morning of the 24th.The traces of smoke, "Comprehensive news of the Russian media, we guessed that the Russian army may have blown up Ukrainian military facilities. I hope there will be no further explosion or fighting."

A Chinese lady who has lived in Kiev for ten years confirmed that she was awakened by noise at about 4 o'clock in the morning local time. Only then did Russia initiate military operations. "I didn't hear the explosion myself, but myThe neighbors heard it. "

She said that she didn't dare to go downstairs. She saw near the corridor and the window and saw nearby Ukraines who took her family to escape Kiev overnight and fled west.At 6 am local time, the parking spaces downstairs were completely empty. By 7 am, the direction of the city downstairs was blocked, and there was a huge air defense alarm sound in the air.

The lady said, "The Ukrainians feel that it is convenient to go to Poland, so everyone is running west. Of course, do you run, not because you don't want to run, but you can't run, such as my neighbors." According to her, for the local Chinese, it is useless to run without an EU visa.She is ready to stay at home in the next few days. "At present, the electricity, water, and nets on my side are all normal. The supermarket should also solve the basic life supply problem, because Ukraine locals have run a big runPart of the part. Now, there are only two people outside, one out of the city and running to the supermarket to buy it. "

Mr. Dai, who lives in Poltawa, Ukraine, said that the local place is crowded everywhere, and the gas stations, supermarkets, and banks are all crowded with people.

Another Chinese in Kiev said that on the morning of the 24th, it was still bright, and a long line was lined up before the supermarkets and banks of Kiev, full of residents who snapped up their daily necessities.

In Kiev Chinese students: I heard at least three explosions

The situation in Ukraine has changed, and a Chinese student studying in Ukraine claims that at least three explosion sounds in Kiev, Ukraine, and many citizens are also busy buying living materials.

According to Jimu News, the Chinese student said that he saw the news of some people in advance from the circle of friends on the 23rd night of the local time, and quickly went to the nearby business district to buy living materials.

Subsequently, he heard two loud noises at 5 am on the 24th. At that time, he didn't care too much. Until the third sound came, his window shook, and he confirmed that it was an explosion.At this time, his classmates also photographed the sound of explosion and roar of helicopters from all over the place.

The international student said that the students were very calm, and the school did not notify the suspension. Everyone was busy accumulating materials and reminding each other to pay attention to safety.He also said that there were very few air tickets from Kiev to Beijing, which was very difficult to grab. The last time the fare he saw had risen to 20,000 yuan (S $ 4278).

At the same time, in Halkov, the second largest city in Ukraine, the film released by local residents shows that Halkov has been exploding continuously, and the locals are running out, and the Internet has been interrupted.

Russian President Putin decided to authorize the military to launch a special operation against the Donbass region of East Ukrainian this morning (24th). Military facilities across Ukraine were attacked by rocket launchers.Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulba said Putin launched an aggressive comprehensive war against Ukraine.

Comprehensive Reuters, Broadcasting Corporation and the United States Cable News Network reported that after Putin made the above announcement, witnesses said they heard a series of explosions in Kiev.Reporters at Kiev, Ukraine, also heard the explosion like shelling in the distance.