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The border is fully open, but the date will be announced by Prime Minister Isemishabiri.Kelly did not disclose the date of the open border between Malaysia.

Kelly's press conference today (February 24) did not mention comprehensive open border matters.However, when he answered the media inquiries, he said, "We already have (open border) date, and will be announced to the Prime Minister." Generally, Malaysia is likely to open up the border in March as soon as March.

Mu Yuding, chairman of the National Revision Council (National Revolution), announced on February 8 that the National Revolutionary Council suggested that the government opened the border on March 1st, so that all entrants at home and abroad do not have to force enforcement to enforcement.It isolate, but they must detect crown diseases and comply with related epidemic prevention regulations before they enter.

Mu Yuding said after the National Fortune Council on February 22 that the comprehensive open border standard operation procedure formulated by the Ministry of Health has been completed quickly, and will be submitted to the cabinet discussion and approval after completion.He expected the government to announce the date of the full open border in the near future.