(Beijing News) The US military reconnaissance aircraft has appeared frequently in the South China Sea in the past few days.

The Think Tank "South China Sea Strategic Situment Awareness" headquartered in Beijing posted on Weibo that a US Air Force RC-135W electronic reconnaissance aircraft (AE1253) was activated in the South China Sea yesterday morning and successively carried out along the Guangdong and Hainan Coastline.In the next step, the next step is expected to go to the waters of Xisha.The close distance and operation trajectory of this reconnaissance activity were exactly the same as the US military's reconnaissance activities in the South China Sea on April 16.

A RC-135W electronic reconnaissance aircraft in the United States took off on the 16th from Japan's Okinawa Kaner Base. After receiving the air refueling, it was close to the reconnaissance along the Guangdong Coast, about 50 nautical miles (92.6 kilometers) from the collar sea, and then along the alongs along the sea, followed by the sea base line.The southeast coastline of Hainan Island is returned to reconnaissance, about 60 nautical miles from the collar sea base line.The reconnaissance aircraft was reconciled around the Xisha Islands for two weeks, about 30 nautical miles away from the collar sea base line.

The US reconnaissance aircraft has recently appeared frequently in the South China Sea.Another P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft (AE67FA) was taken off from the Philippine Air Force Base to the South China Sea for reconnaissance from the Philippine Clark Air Force base yesterday.

A RC-135W electronic reconnaissance aircraft also took off from Okinawa's hand the day before yesterday, and went to the Yellow Sea event to get close to the reconnaissance along the Jiangsu and Shandong coastline.Start to 27 nautical miles outside Shandong's territorial sea base line.