A committee of the United States Senate passed a bill that put pressure on China in human rights and economic competition with a large number of votes.The US Congress also launched another bill, hoping that the government can invest billions of dollars for technical research to deal with competition from China.

According to Reuters, the Senate Foreign Relationship Committee passed the 2021 Strategic Competition Act yesterday (21st), and all members of the Senate will review the bill.

The members of the committee call on the United States to take more measures in responding to China.The committee has been amended dozens of amendments in this bill, including forcing US officials, not athletes to resist the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.


The Strategic Competition Act will solve the problems related to the US -China competition by increasing international development funding and cooperation with allies and international organizations.The bill will promote humanitarian and democratic values, such as imposing sanctions on the treatment of Uighurs and supporting Hong Kong democracy.


The Act also emphasized that "priority to handle military investment in realizing political goals in the Indo -Pacific region in the United States", and supports greatly increasing funding related to security in the region, and has a closer connection with Taiwan.


Act will also expand the scope of the United States Foreign Investment Commission (CFIUS).American universities are worried about this bill because one of the clauses will require CFIUS to review some Chinese gifts and contracts.

At the same time, some members of the two houses in the United States proposed an endless frontier bill, requiring to allocate $ 100 billion (S $ 132.8 billion) within five years, for basic and advanced technology research, and allocated $ 10 billion in funds.New technology centers are established nationwide.

Senate leader of the Senate, Senate, who supports the endless frontier bill, said: "The two parties agree that the United States must invest in future technologies to surpass China."

Two bills have received strong support from democracy and Republican parties, and they are expected to sign a law.The Biden government also supports these bills.