Yaste International LawyerDorgens, a lawyer familiar with economic sanctions, said that except for the certification review of the German interrupted Beixi No. 2 natural gas pipeline project, other sanctions measures avoided the energy sector and mainly targeted at Russia's financial field.

(Paris Composite Electric) Western countries have successively announced measures to sanction Russia on Tuesday, but market participants believe that the thunder and heavy rain points for sanctions are small.The impact is limited.The European and American stock market rebounds, international oil prices have fallen, and Russian rubles have also recovered their previous lost land.

Ashurst, a lawyer, who is familiar with economic sanctions, said that except for the certification review of the No. 2 natural gas pipeline project in Germany, other sanctions have avoided energyFields are mainly targeted at Russia's financial fields.Dorgens said sanctions have not yet reached the point of harm to Russia because countries are still defending European economic interests.

Beixi No. 2 is an important energy umbilical cord between Russia and Europe, but this 1,200 kilometers long natural gas pipeline has not yet begun to push the gas. The interrupt certification review is a symbolic sanction at this stage.

For the European Union, sanctioning Russia's energy field must be considered, because the EU has 40%of natural gas imported from Russia.Although Europe can bear the impact of Russia's natural gas in the next few months, in the long run, it will still cause serious economic turmoil.Although the United States and Qatar promise to increase gas supply to Europe, they cannot increase gas supply in a short time.

Russia is an important energy, mineral and wheat exporter. The rise in the price of these commodities will eventually be borne by consumers, and inflation has caused headaches in European and American decision makers.

Russia announced on Monday that it acknowledged the Donetsk and Lugusk as an independent country in eastern Ukraine, and sent troops to the local peacekeeping task. The United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom immediately announced the sanction of many Russian banks and high net worth people.

This round of sanctions is designed to stop Russian financial institutions' financing in the international financial market, put pressure on the value of ruble currencies, and weaken the purchasing power of Russians.A senior official of the European Central Bank said that the impact of banks 'banks' impact on Western state financial institutions is limited. Only a few banks such as UNICREDIT, Austrian Raiffeisen and Societe General (Societe Generale) are in Russia.There is business.

Dorgen said that many Russian capital has been remitted to the country in order to prevent sanctions, and the impact of assets of high net worth of people on Russia has limited impact on the Russian economy.

Washington has not implemented some previous disclosure sanctions, such as eliminating Russia's channels for Russia's Global Bank Financial Telecommunications Association (SWIFT), and the channels for cutting off Russian companies to obtain high -tech equipment and software.

Russian expert Rosen, a Russian expert at Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research (CSIS), said that this round of sanctions does not seem to reach the level of threats to the United States before, which may encourage Moscow to take the next step.

The United States two parties also criticized the White House's sanctions.Republican Senator Graham and Democratic Senator Mernengdis attacked the White House sanctions to reproduce in the 1930s."I don't know what we are still waiting for. We can't let the Munich incident reproduce."

European countries and Nazi Germany signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, and Nazi Germany annexed the Czech Republic.

The White House explained on Tuesday that this round of sanctions is only the beginning, and the sanction effect will gradually increase over time.The Biden government also believes that Moscow will attack Ukraine within a day or two, and will launch more sanctions measures in the future.