(Morning News) EU diplomat said that the EU's first round of sanctions on Russia will take effect on Wednesday (February 23).

Reuters reports that EU member states have reached an agreement on the new sanctions adopted by Russia, and agreed to include more Russian politicians, legislators and officials on the blacklist, prohibit EU investors from trading Russian bonds, and at the same timeList the import and export of the partic entity in eastern Ukraine as the goal of sanctions.

However, the Foreign Minister of the EU member states decided not to list Putin as the object of sanctions.In a package of sanctions announced by the European Union on Tuesday, the individual listed as the sanctions included the voting to support all the Russian parliament members of the two "independent countries" of Wudong.All their assets in the European Union will be frozen and prohibited from entering the EU countries.

Banks involved in the off -ist activity of Eastern Ukraine will also be the goal of sanctions and will be removed from the free trade agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.

New sanctions were approved by the foreign minister of EU member states on Tuesday (22nd), and obtained the confirmation of the ambassador on Wednesday morning. Finally, the Foreign Minister was officially approved.However, this is usually a form, and sanctions are expected to take effect later on Wednesday.