(Morning News) British Foreign Minister Traz said on Wednesday (February 23) that Britain will prevent Russia from selling sovereign debts in London.

Tellas told the British Sky News Station: "We have already clearly stated that we will limit Russia to enter the British market ... We will prevent the Russian government from raising sovereign debt in the UK."

She also said: "We think he (Putin) is likely to implement a plan to comprehensively invade Ukraine."

Tras warns that if Russia invades Ukraine in an all -round way, the United Kingdom will target Russia's major chaebols andKey institutions have more stringent sanctions and restrict Russia entering the financial market.

On Tuesday, the United Kingdom imposed sanctions on Tuesday, Gennady Timchenko and other two other Russian billionaires who were closely related to Putin.

Putin officially announced on the evening of February 21, which officially announced the recognition of Donetsk and Lugusk in eastern Ukraine as two independent countries, and signed a friendly cooperation between friendly cooperation and mutual assistance with the relatives of Russia in the two places to send the Russian army.Perform the "peacekeeping" task.The international community has condemned Russia's move to violate Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the United Nations regrets that the Russian army settled in Wudong.