The Chinese National Security Department disclosed the inside story of three mainland students for the effect of overseas forces. Among them, some students were instructions from more than 10 senior officials in a certain country to publish rumors related to China.The forces are linked to subvert the Chinese national regime and anti -China -China chaos activities.

Yu Zeyuan Beijing Report

The Chinese National Security Department disclosed a number of cases of Chinese citizens involved in national political security yesterday, including three young people after the 95th (born after 1995).

Analysts believe that this shows that political security has become the biggest challenge for China's national security.As Western countries such as China and the United States continue to confront Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues, maintaining political security will still be the top priority of Chinese officials in the future.

Yesterday was also the National Security Education Day stipulated by China.The Chinese National Security Department disclosed the inside story of three mainland students who played for overseas forces. Among them, some students were instructed by more than 10 senior officials in a certain country to publish rumors in China.Anti -China Random Hong Kong activities.

According to the Global Times Daily reported yesterday, in August 2020, China's national security organs detected a case of a student of a university in Hebei.Mainland student Yang Moumou, a mainland student of a master's degree in a master of film in Hong Kong, arrested and brought to justice. Yang Moumou was born in 1995. In May 2020, the national security organs reviewed the mainland student Chen Moumou, a mainland student who was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.Chen Moumou was born in 1996.

The Rule of Law Daily quoted Guoan officials yesterday that the above case reflects the "attack" of the international anti -China hostile forces to carry out ideology on people in China. A few international students who went abroad were incited and were confused and were involved in hostile activities.

At the same time, the anti -China hostile forces in Hong Kong have used the characteristics of the mainland to go to Hong Kong's students to go to Hong Kong, the political book is not strong, the urgent need to integrate into the new environment, and the pursuit of personal interests.

Young people have a weak identification force and easy to fall trap Cheng Anti -China "chess piece"

Li Wei, a researcher at the China Institute of Modern International Relations, analyzed the Global Times yesterday. From the cases disclosed, it can be seen that when the anti -China hostile forces are selected, they will dynamically screen according to the other party's ideological dynamic, and then slowly slowly slowly slowly.In contact and development, some young people with some judgment and poor identification are likely to fall into the trap and become the "chess pieces" of anti -China forces.

Another legal scholar believes that the National Security Law of the Criminal Law of Mainland China and the Hong Kong National Security Law that Hong Kong just implemented in Hong Kong is related to the relevant legal provisions of collusion external forces and inciting subversion of national power behavior.

"It is worth noting that the above two cases reflect a phenomenon: the public security awareness needs to be changed urgently, and the form of national security is becoming diverse, far beyond the 'grabbing spy' in traditional cognition.Also why we are now going to establish a comprehensive and three -dimensional overall national security concept. "

However, the rule of law Daily said in a report yesterday that the current political security situation in China is stable and better.

In recent years, China's legal system and various construction work have been improved, strictly preventing and resolutely combating various infiltration and disruptive activities., Special operations to eliminate evil and eliminate evil, properly respond to major public health events and natural disasters, and continue to maintain stability in the domestic security situation; promulgate the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the establishment of the Hong Kong National Security Administration, realizing the key turning of Hong Kong from chaos to the rule, crushing a certain certain waySome western countries' insidious plots of "chaos in Hong Kong".

The Chinese National Security Department disclosed the national security case

The case Yitian provided the "evidence"

The 22 -year -old Tian Mou is a student of a college news department in Hebei.It is said that since the age of 8, he has listened to the overseas anti -China media broadcast programs, and often turned over the wall to browse a large number of anti -China political information. In January 2016, he opened an overseas social media account and began interacting with the "overseas anti -China hostile forces".

After entering the university, Tian Mou was introduced by a reporter from overseas anti -China media and became an internship reporter of the Beijing Branch of the Beijing Branch.He was accused of receiving a large number of activities, involved in hype hype many hot -sensitive cases, and provided more than 3,000 anti -announcement materials to overseas, and published more than 500 signed articles.

Tian Mou was also accused of spreading various anti -China information and political rumors through the overseas anti -China website founded by him, and a "vicious attack" on China.

It is reported that Tian Mou was invited to secretly go to a certain West in April 2019 by anti -Chinese media people to contact more than 20 "hostile organizations" overseas.Secretly collect and provide "evidence" to slander China overseas.

Chinese national security organs arrested Tian in June 2019.

The second case Yang "inverted" Hong Kong's "struggle experience" in Hong Kong

The 26 -year -old Yang graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication, a university in Jiangsu. In 2017, he went to a university in Hong Kong to study for a master's degree in film.

It is reported that during his study in Hong Kong, he was hostile to mainland China due to the influence of foreign anti -China forces' remarks. In October 2018, he participated in a party's anti -China organization party associated event to help ChinaIllegal parade.

Yang was then appointed by a certain organization to engage in guiding topic discussions and reposting video pictures on the Internet.As a group administrator, he also joined the core group "Little Salon" of the organization, frequently issued a joint letter of "blocking Chinese enterprises" in the group, discussed the issue of Chinese territorial issues, and proposed to use WIFI hotspots and AirDrop to spread anti -ChinaPropaganda materials and other solutions.

Yang was accused of reposting a large number of pushes for demonstrations during the Hong Kong period in 2019, and "inverted" Hong Kong's "struggle experience" to the mainland.

Yang was captured by Chinese Guoan last June.It is said that he confessed to illegal crimes and explained to reveal the actions of anti -China forces abroad, and promised that he would no longer engage in activities that endanger national security.

Three cases, Chen Chen, publicly claimed to be "restoring Hong Kong"

"90" was born in 1996. Since 2014, he has studied bachelor and master's degrees at the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.After studying in Hong Kong, he was allegedly affected by the complex social and political environment of Hong Kong, and gradually began to deny the CCP leadership and the socialist system in ideology, words and deeds.

It is reported that during the period of Hong Kong, Chen published a large number of remarks on social media supporting Hong Kong resistances and attacking the Central Government of China to regulate Hong Kong, and publicly claimed to "restore Hong Kong".

China National Security Organ reviewed Chen in May last year.Chen explained the experience of joining the anti -China organization and acknowledged publicly supporting Hong Kong independence activities.He wrote more than 100,000 words of regrets, and promised not to participate in any similar activities.

Four cases provide multiple information involved in national secrets

Zhang is the son of a villager in Huichang County, Jiangxi.During his 2019 worker in Shantou, Guangdong, he was allegedly met with overseas intelligence personnel through WeChat, accepted part -time jobs to collect intelligence for the other party, and went to the port area in a troops in Shantou every day to conduct observation records.WeChat sent to each other.

Zhang received nearly 30,000 yuan (RMB S $ 6133.9) for this.

Zhang's father is goingDuring the propaganda activities of China National Security Education Day on April 15th, he believed that his son's behavior may involve illegal activities that endanger national security, and persuaded and accompanied Zhang to surrender at the National Security Bureau of Ganzhou on April 21.

It is reported that Zhang took the initiative to explain the case after investing.

After identifying, Zhang provided multiple information involved in national secrets, and the case has entered the judicial procedure.In view of Zhang's initiative to invest and cooperate with the case, it can be free from or free penalty according to the anti -spy law.