A senior official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that if the science and technology between China and the United States and even Europe were decoupled, the global GDP was even higher than the trade war.

According to Bloomberg, Heelge Berger, head of the IMF Chinese delegation, said on Friday: "The degree of global integration is quite high. If it is not allowed to exchange knowledge between countries, it will eventually pay the price, and it may still be still.Will not be small. "

According to an IMF study estimation, the decoupling of technology may lead to about 5%of the GDP loss in many countries, about 10 times the loss caused by the estimated estimated Sino -US tariff war.

The Bayeng government added the seven Chinese super computing entities to the blacklist that prohibited exports at the beginning of the month. U.S. companies must not carry out business exchanges without obtaining the U.S. government.The company's export restrictions have continued to expand.

Biden team is still reviewing Trump's policy to China, including tariffs and first -stage trade agreements to imported goods from more than 300 billion US dollars per year.resemblance.

Bojie said: "The tension around the US -China relations is a major risk factor we need to consider."He said that the Sino -US tariff war dragged down last year, and this year will still be the same. It is estimated that it will affect about 0.4%of GDP globally.

He warned: "However, if the technology decouples between China and the United States and other countries such as China and Europe, the situation will become more difficult. Therefore, these two economies that have a pivotal position in the global economy find cooperationThe method is of great significance. "