(Morning Post) US President Biden announced on Wednesday (April 14) that the U.S. military in Afghanistan will withdraw from September 11 this year to end the longest war in American history.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Biden made a speech on the White House that day that the U.S. military will begin evacuating in an orderly manner on May 1, and the U.S. and NATO allies will be withdrawn by September 11.He said that the United States has completed anti -terrorism goals in the Afghanistan war. "It's time to end the longest war in the United States, and it is time to let the US military go home."

Bynden said that although the United States will not get involved in Afghanistan in military, the work in diplomatic and humanitarianism will continue.The United States will continue to support the Afghan government, provide support to the Aano troops, and support peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban.He also said that if the Taliban launched a attack on the U.S. and the Allied Army, the U.S. military would take all means to defend themselves.

Biden also said on the same day that nearly 2,500 U.S. military died in the Afghan war and more than 20,000 U.S. military was injured.After the speech, Biden went to the U.S. military that was killed in the war in the war.

According to a statement issued by the White House, Biden talked with Afghanistan President Guni that day, and the two sides discussed the commitment to maintain a strong partnership between the two countries after the U.S. military withdrew.Biden said the United States will continue to provide development, humanitarianism and security assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

The United States launched the Afghan war after the "September 11" terrorist attack in 2001.The U.S. government and Afghanistan Taliban signed an agreement at the end of February 2020. The United States promised to reduce the American army from about 13,000 to 8,600 within 135 days. The remaining US and NATO troops will withdraw from May this year.Taliban promised not to allow members of its members and other organizations, including "base" organizations to use Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its allies.Bayeng said last month that the United States was "difficult" to withdraw all the time before the May 1st period promised by the last government.Taliban warned the United States at the time not to violate the commitment to withdraw troops before May 1, otherwise the Taliban would respond.

According to official US data, there are currently about 2,500 U.S. military in Afghanistan.According to US media reports, there are about 1,000 US special forces soldiers who have not been confirmed publicly in Afghanistan, and there are about 7,000 NATO garrisons that rely on US military logistics and security support.