An anonymous reporter leaked more than 18,000 account information opened from Creditkin from the 1940s to the 2010s.And 46 news agencies around the world.This multinational investigation revealed that Creditkin Bank has handled hundreds of billions of dollars of black money for decades.

(Zurich/Vienna Composite Electric) The transnational media investigation revealed that the customer information of the second largest bank in Switzerland SwissFor 100 million US dollars of black money, customers include illegal elements invading human rights, corruption, drug trafficking, and money laundering.

An anonymous reporter leaked more than 18,000 account information from Creditsuisse from the 1940s to 2010 more than a year ago.Sending to non -profit international survey reporters' organizations with "organizational crime and corruption report projects" (OCCRP) and 46 news institutions around the world.The results of this transnational survey were released on Sunday.

The total deposit of more than 18,000 accounts above has more than $ 100 billion (about S $ 134.7 billion), and some accounts are still valid.

The New York Times reported that 25 of them (about $ 270 million in total deposit) were accused of corruption cases involved in Venezuelan National Petroleum Company; another account holder was Zimbabwe businessmen.The relationship with the late president Mugabe was closely sanctioned by Europe and the United States.

According to the British Guardian, Credit Suisse customers also include Li Fuzhao, former chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, who was convicted for bribery, a vendor in the Philippines, a tycoon ordered by Egypt to kill Lebanon pop singer girlfriends, as well as obeyCorruption politicians from Egypt to Ukraine.

In addition, an account affiliated to the Vatican is used to allocate 350 million euros, involving London real estate fraud investment. This case is the focus of trials for several defendants.

The Swiss Financial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau answered the media inquiry that it was known that the above reports were known to the bank and contacted the bank.The Supervision and Administration Bureau said: "Ensuring (employees) to abide by the rules of anti -money laundering are the focus of our supervision activities over the years."

The French World News said that the survey showed that the CITIC Bank held and crime and crime and crime and crime andCorruption -related funds ignore international banking rules.

Creditses issued a statement denied allegations

Creditses issued a statement to deny the allegations, and said that "the joint allegations of these media seemed to not only break the Credit CITS.Reputation also loses its credibility in the entire financial market in Switzerland. "

Credit Suisse said: "Most of the media proposed are old things, and some cases are traced back to the 1940s. The media's statement on these incidents is based on the selective information of local, incorrect or disconnection, leading to the selection of charges, which leads to a basis, leading to the selective information of local, incorrect or disconnection, leading to the ledA prejudice interpretation of the bank's business behavior is made. "

Credit Suisse said that in the past three weeks, it has received" countless inquiries "by media organizations and has reviewed many accounts accused of problems.Creditions emphasized that about 90 % of the accounts have now closed or were in the process of cancellation before the media asked, and more than 60 % of them were canceled before 2015.

Credit Suisse also said that as for the remaining active accounts, there are also appropriate customer due to due diligence, review, and other related control measures that meet the current architecture of Credit.Multiple measures.

Analysts of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) pointed out that even if the allegations of CreditEss were finally confirmed that it was not established, its business behavior in wealth management will still be

Creditses lost 1.6 billion Swiss francs last year (about S $ 2.4 billion), and frequent scandals.In October last year, the bank agreed to pay $ 475 million to European and American regulators in exchange for the other party to revoke the bribery and fraud allegations related to the Mozambique's loan scandal; this month, the Swiss procuratorial organs filed a criminal complaint against Credit.Money laundering.