(Morning Post) Western leaders condemned Russian President Putin to sign a decision to recognize the decision of the Donetsk and Lugusk People's Republic of Wudong region and threatened to take sanctions.

According to Bloomberg, the White House press secretary Pusky said that the Bayeng government was preparing to immediately issue an administrative order to prohibit American citizens from conducting new trade, investment and financing in the area of separationalist regions of Udong.

Reuters reported that President Bynden Bynden (February 21) in Putin acknowledged that the Wudong rebel control area was independent, and he called with Ukrainian President Zeelianzki.

In addition, Biden and French President Macron and Germany's Prime Minister Tsutz called to discuss how to coordinate their next steps.

Biden promised to Zeelianzki that the United States firmly safeguarded the integrity of Ukraine's sovereignty and territory and reiterated that if Russia further invaded Ukraine, the United States would coordinate with allies and partners to respond decisively and decisively.Biden also introduced the latest response measures in the United States to Zelei, including the sanctions plan.

Puski said: These measures are extra actions, which is different from the strict economic measures that we and our allies and partners are preparing to further invade Ukraine in Russia.