(Sydney Comprehensive Electric) Australia in Australia dueIn the past two years, the opening of the country was re -entered on Monday, allowing passengers to hold visas and complete two doses of coronary vaccine vaccination. It only needed to comply with the states to test the regulations before and after the landing of each state.

In order to prevent the invasion of coronary viruses, Australia retreats in March 2020. Except for citizens and residents, outsiders are almost not allowed to enter the country, and citizens are also not allowed to go abroad.This has made Australia one of the countries with the strictest global epidemic prevention. It was not until November last year that the authorities announced that the technical personnel, international students and backpackers entered the country.

The first day of Australia is expected to have 56 international flights to the public, 27 of them landed in Sydney, the largest city.

The Prime Minister Morrison said in Tasmania, which is highly dependent on tourism, said: "This is an exciting day. From the day when the epidemic is popular, I will block the border.I have been looking forward to this day. "

Civilians who separate from relatives and friends are particularly looking forward to this day.Tuqin, who lives in Sydney at the Sydney Airport, is waiting for his friends who have not met for four years.She said: "He just met the wedding I held four days later."

The American woman Moski flew from Kentaki to Australia to visit the daughter I haven't seen for a long time for a long time.After landing, she said tremblingly: "I haven't seen her for a long time ... so I was very excited."

Australian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment, said that Kundree Airlines expects this week.Sending more than 14,000 tourists to Australia, the tourism market will have a "very strong" rebound.He also revealed that if the Australian federal government can win the support of at least one more state government, the cruise industry may be open in "in the next few weeks."

Virgin Australia said that the current domestic flight booking trend is positive, and the company will continue to evaluate the needs of international flights.

Treat 40 million AUD $ 40 million to promote attracting tourists to return

However, because the Chinese government adopts a virus zero policy, it will attract Chinese tourists to return to returnDifficulties.Before the outbreak of the crown disease, China was the largest tourism market in Australia.

He said: "The Australian Tourism Administration has done a lot of preparations. As long as the situation changes, Chinese tourists can be encouraged to come to Australia."

According to the official statistics of Australia, Tourism is one of the largest industries before the Australian epidemic. In fiscal 2018, it contributed more than 60 billion Australian dollars (about S $ 58.2 billion), or 3.1%of the GDP (GDP); the Australian labor populationAbout 5%of them are engaged in tourism.

In order to revive the tourism industry, the Australian government also launched an advertising activity of $ 40 million (about S $ 38.82 million) to attract tourists to return.The epidemic caused a severe damage to the global tourism industry, and Australia was no exception. During the closing period, the entry passengers decreased by 98%.Therefore, the industry will be full of expectations for the recovery of the national gate.

However, Marshall, chairman of the Kanberra District Tourism Leaders Forum, believes that the Australian tourism industry may take 18 months to recover.

The peak of the new wave of Australia's Omeck Rongtong's epidemic seems to have passed, and the hospitalization rate of crown disease has continued to decline in the past three weeks.From 4929 deaths.