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Emerging countries with complex ethnic groups, before and after the beginning of the founding of the country, can not tell the rules and formulate the program for democratic legal system first, but let the power fall into the ideal./strong>

In the hands of warlords or individuals, the so -called independent "national country" is only the community imagined.

The Burmese military announced a monthly ceasefire order with ethnic minorities, which cannot change the crisis that may benefit from its domestic situation.Looking back at history, the Myanmar military regime has a "tradition" that does not bow to the people, and the people and students have the characteristics of not afraid of bleeding. So far, the victims have approached 600.Several minorities that support the army's respect for the military are not fully satisfied with the military because of sympathy people, and also originated from the outbreak of the autonomous commitment of the early founding of the People's Republic of China.Fire is the focus of attention at present.

From geographical and history, the founding of the country from geography and history is not easy. It not only forms complicated ethnic groups, but the ideas of all ministries have different ideas for the founding of the country.Essence

A series of problems in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China were neither capable of streaming, and no group could propose effective solutions. The only long -term monopoly monopolized the political ecology of the entire country was the force that did not intend to solve the problem.

In 1947, the Binlong agreement was assassinated with Wengshan, the Klen tribe, and later the military strong Niwen negated the spirit of the agreement and looked at it with waste paper.Ninwin's strong triggering all ethnic groups to step up the tissue force confrontation, and the civil war is endless.The imagination community of "a Myanmar nation country" has not been realized.

Myanmar is one of the earliest independent countries in Southeast Asia that ended colonial rule. However, during the anti -British process, the goals and ideals of several internal camps were different, and they had not communicated properly.The Bamo government used the invasive Japanese forces to fight against the United Kingdom; Wengshan also swayed between Japan and the allies in order to find the opportunity to colonize. At first, he assisted Japan to retreat the British Army and obtained the Emperor Showa.In the later period, he invested in the British army to ensure that he achieved an independent position after the victory of the war.

The process of independence is the most magnificent historical scroll of human beings in the 20th century. After World War II, the so -called Asian, Africa and Latin has many emerging countries.Many international gaming rules formulated by the great powers are no longer a statement between the big powers, but they must make changes to adapt to the new situation.

South China Sea as an example. The Government of the Republic of China accepted the South China Sea boundary set by Japanese historians after World War II, and developed into the eleven segment (Beijing removing the two lines of the nine -segment line in 1953).During the layout, only one Thailand was an independent country in the entire area, but today the nine -segment line is a sovereign state. The "national interests" have more reference points, and the situation is obviously very different.

Ninwin gradually took over the government's government government with the posture of a military strong man around 1962, announced the dissolution of parliament and other political parties, and implemented one -party dictatorship.The closure of the country's gates will implement the bird cage economy, and the industry and commerce will be nationalized.

However, the state -ownedization of enterprises has impacted foreigners and many Chinese business owners who have no national identity, forcing a large number of foreigners and Chinese people to leave the country, but the government itself is poorly operated. Therefore, Burmese had fallen into poverty before his 1988 paid.But his biggest scourge is that he has opened the model of soldiers who still can't see the end of the 60 years.

During the one -quarter century of rule, the demonstrations of the Myanmar people have never stopped, and they have disappeared because of each death and arrest.The national demonstration on August 8, 1988 was a peak. It is estimated that the demonstrations that lasted more than a month and caused at least 3,000 people to die for the operation for more than a month.Ninwin had resigned from the party leader in July before that, but the resignation speech issued a warning: "The military bullets have no tradition to the sky, and the target will be shot."

The Ninwin family was later liquidated in the military faction struggle, but the successive warlords have won the Samadhi for the manipulation power.The Australian Internet media dialogue editor Misha Ketchell analyzes this system of rule that the military government will change a architecture or name every 10 years since 1962, so that the public and international expectations are to ensure the warlords.Always control regime.Until 2008, democratic transformation approached the eyes, and simply repaired the constitutional constitutional parcel to control a quarter of the parliamentary seats.

Niwen routes are claimed to be an alliance to the outside world. In fact, it is to engage in the isolationism of one -party dictatorship and personal dictatorship internally. It is not uncommon for this rulers to establish a country in the anti -colonial wave.

Myanmar warlord considers the effective rule of the rule. The literati government selected by the people will completely change the warlord special rights.Weng Shan Shuzhi, who knows that this reincarnation drama, has cooperated for a long time in the Rohingya subject. The warlord still couldn't trust her, and he did not recognize the results of the election. Even his international face was ignored.

Why did the warlords be so jealous of exit the stage of power?Obviously because there are countless search results in the process of rule.More than 10 years ago, the head of state Dan Rui married his daughter, and a poorly extravagant picture made the international dumbfounded. It is said that the gifts alone received $ 50 million, and the wealthy man was the poorest people in the world.

Ninwin has always been rumored to have a large deposit in Switzerland. Although Sun Tzu denied the public visit a few years ago, after the family was prisoned by factions, he could still call the wind and rain in the mall.Before his Gong Gong took power, Myanmar was one of the wealthy countries in Asia.

In 2007, the author wrote: "The people who used to build an independent founding of the country and thought they finally had the 'own' country, but from the perspective of contemporary history, the colonists / oppressors just changed their faces ... the bottom layer ...'Others' are still 'others'. "

Emerging countries with complex ethnic groups, before and after the beginning of the founding of the country, can not tell the rules and formulate the program for democratic legal system first, but to let power fall into the hands of no ideal warlords or individuals, so the so -called independent ""National State", after all, it is just the community of imagination.Being able to take a free and rich road, continue to optimize the system in the process, continuously consolidate consensus, and have a relatively good Singapore.But such examples also look at Africa and Latin, and there are only a few.

The Myanmar Military Government has ordered the interruption of the national wireless network. Is it preparing to clearly eliminate the people and supporters of the Democratic Games and avoid night dreams.

(the author is the deputy director of the editorial group of this newspaper

[email protected])