Chinese officials have promoted the governance of the Yellow River to the national strategy. Recently, the advantages of the Yellow River irrigation have been identified as the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, which is the pioneering area of the Yellow River governance."The behavior, related news attracted attention.

According to the economic reference report hosted by the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency on April 1, Zhaoshan Mountain, which is famous for the ancient copper mine site, is slowly disappearing in the ecological environment.Extended to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Zhongwei City is the "first stop" of the Yellow River entering Ningxia.The northern mountainous area of Zhongwei is the transitional area of the Yellow River to the Tengger Desert.Although the mineral resources are rich, the ecological environment is extremely fragile. It is difficult to grow naturally and naturally here. It only grows plants such as artemisia Artemisia annua and cat head. The coverage rate is only 15%of vegetation.Large -area green vegetation.

The "Zhenzhao Highway" that can be passed here can reach the Alashan League in Inner Mongolia. On the left side of the highway, Zhaobi Mountain, known for its ancient copper mines.Looking on the front, the mountain shape can be distinguished.However, the mountain was shocking: the roads that split the mountains and drove were winding and winding, and giant pits could be seen everywhere. The pile of iron ore storage and pink stacked were stacked. The smoke and dust permeated.

At the same time, the iron mines in the Mai Difangshan area of Zhongwei are also being excavated in large quantities.This subway ore buried several meters to a dozen meters deep under the low hill sand, and some of the ore produced by the ore produced even higher than the imported iron ore in Australia.

To avoid law enforcement, mining and mining here are selected to be carried out at night.

The high -grade iron ore here can sell for more than 400 yuan per ton.The iron ore powder is a necessary raw material for high standard cement. The market price is between 50 yuan and 140 yuan per ton.

In the Shapo Toutou District of Zhongwei City, even the underground black market of iron ore storage, processing and sales.

In the Maixing Mountain area, the reporter also has hundreds of thousands of tons.The person in charge of the cooperative said that his iron ore powder was not sold to outsiders and all provided a local cement plant.

The reporter even found a mine with a large amount of iron ore in the Ecological Immigration Demonstration Zone, Inner Mongolia's Alashan League Two Two Ecological Immigration Demonstration Zone.

According to the survey, there are several main local bosses who mining iron ore there, which are called "Four Great King Kong" by the locals: Li Wanlin, Wang Guozhong, Du Yongzhong and Wu Zhanwei. They all have their own mining teams.

The focus of various clues points to Ningxia Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ninggang Group) and its related enterprises.

Ninggang Group was established in June 2009. It is the largest modern steel company in Ningxia. It covers an area of 3,300 acres.The joint capital was established and claimed to invest 1.3 billion yuan.

The mining business of the local "Four Diamonds" was designed by the mining certificate of Hao Fengwei -they directly or indirectly signed a mining contract or the "restoration governance" agreement with Hao Fengwei.

It is understood that in order to avoid law enforcement inspections, the pirates organized a mining law enforcement team composed of multiple people in the Zhongwei Beishan. They claimed to be "mining safety supervisors".These people have the right to enter the mining point to check the behavior of the contractor. When they encounter suspicious people, they will be "enforced" by these people.

The excavation of iron mines across the province (autonomous region) is still under the banner of "governance".As early as October 2020, Huaron Minerals submitted the request to govern the geological environment issues left by the Yugeje Toger Road, the Natural Resources Bureau of the Tengger Economic and Technological Development Zone of the Alxa League,EssenceAt the request of a Volo Miner to the Teimuracean Commission, some persons in charge were not named "agreed to re -pit, and the surrounding vegetation must not be destroyed."

Surprisingly, in the case of super excavation or even theft, Haofeng Weiye's mining license has continued again.The Economic Reference News reporter found that the information in the information of the Ministry of Natural Resources National Miner Rights in the Ministry of Natural Resources of China was updated in January 2021.The validity period became December 2021.