(Morning News) Russian President Putin announced that it acknowledged that two pro -Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine controlled independence and warned Ukraine to continue to face bloody conflicts.The White House in the United States said that President Biden will begin a limited sanctions on the two separatist areas of Wudong, but there is no direct sanctions on Russia for the time being.The European Union also condemned Putin's actions and expressed their sanctions.

The New York Times and Reuters comprehensively reported that Putin spoke to the country through television on Monday (February 21) on Monday (February 21). He emotionally strictly accused Ukraine of being a puppet in the United States.

Putin said in a long speech that Ukraine is an inseparable part of Russia's history and pointed out that the Wudong area belongs to part of the ancient Russian territory.

Putin also said that he was confident that the Russian people would support his decision.

After the speech, the Russian National Television immediately played Putin's signing in the Cremlin to acknowledge the Donetsk and the Rougosk People's Republic of Wudong.Putin has also signed some friendship and mutual aid treaties, which has increased the possibility of Russia deploying part of the army around the Ukrainian border.

In April 2014, the Wudong separationist militia armed forces with Russia had a bloody conflict with the Ukrainian government forces. The militia armed forces later announced the establishment of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugusk People's Republic.After mediation by the international community, the conflict between the conflicts reached a ceasefire agreement in the Baillo capital's capital Minsk in September 2014 and February 2015. After that, the large -scale armed conflict was controlled, but the small -scale firefights occurred from time to time.