Chinese media have increased their publicity this year, including the People's Daily, Global Times, CCTV, and Xinhua News Agency. They all cooperated with Wang Wei's 20th anniversary yesterday to publish a commemorative article with similar contents.And video.

Huang Xiaofang Report

[email protected]

China yesterday commemorating the pilot Wang Wei, who died in the China -US collision accident 20 years ago. In the commemorative report, the Chinese official media emphasized that in the face of defending the integrity of national territorial sovereignty and national dignity, there has never been a "step back to the sky."And Wang Wei" China is increasingly stronger. "

Scholars of interviewees believe that Chinese officials intend to condense the people's hearts through commemorative activities and prepare for long -term external challenges. At the same time, it also shows to the outside world that China will not easily forget the West's harm to it.

On April 1, 2001, a fighter drove by the Chinese Navy Air Force Pilot Wang Wei collided over the waters near Hainan Island with a reconnaissance aircraft in the U.S. military.After many days of search and rescue, Chinese officials confirmed that Wang Wei was unpredictable; the accident caused Sino -US relations to be crisis at the time.

With the rapid cooling of Sino -US relations in recent years, Chinese officials have continued to increase their attention to Wang Wei's anniversary.A number of media including the People's Daily, Global Times, CCTV, and Xinhua News Agency have cooperated with Wang Wei's 20th anniversary yesterday to publish commemorative articles and videos with similar contents.

"Wang Wei's 20th Anniversary" and "Wang Wei's wish realized" and other topics related to Wang Wei have appeared on Weibo hot search yesterday.

The People's Daily has published "20 years, we have never forgotten!" "If you remember 81192 (Wang Wei's fighter number), he will not regret it."Written in a series of reports and comments such as the 20th anniversary of the sacrifice of martyrs of the sea and air guards ", emphasizing that both Chinese and the Chinese people will not forget Wang Wei.

The article said that the U.S. reconnaissance aircraft invaded the air airspace of the South China Sea at the time of the incident. China subsequently sent two aircraft to track and intercept.EssenceWang Wei made everyone more firm, "defending the integrity of national territorial sovereignty and national dignity, and never‘ take a step back to the sky ’.”

The Weibo of the Global Network said: "From" Chang'e "to the" Struggler "deep dive to the first domestic aircraft carrier, China (Wang Wei) is increasingly strong in China."

China issued a warning signal: Do not forget the damage created by the West

In addition to the high -profile commemorative anniversary of Wang Wei's death, the Minister of Defense Wei Feng and the former site of the embassy in Yugoslavia on March 26 were also passed through the form of official activities to be killed through the form of official activities.He emphasized at the event that "the Chinese army will never allow such historical repeats."Yesterday's series reports echoed Wei Fenghe's speech.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Rasan University of Science and Technology of Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China ’s recent commemorative activities and publicity in China and the United States related accidents are believed to further condense the hearts of China.Let the people recall the harm of Western countries to China, and also remind people to prepare to deal with the continuous stalemate of China and Western countries.

Li Mingjiang believes that at the international level, a series of activities have also released a warning signal to the outside world, indicating that China will not easily forget the western harm to China.

RSIS Assistant Researcher James Char believes that the Chinese media highlight Wang Wei's "victims" and "Patriot" in high -profile commemorative reports to shape the justice of Wang Wei and China.Image.In addition, China does not want to be regarded as weaker in the Sino -US game, so it actively shapes itself as a Powerful Entity with a very military ability and the guardians of national sovereignty and territory.