The Chief of Staff of the White Ross, Gu Levich, said on Monday (February 21) that the Russian army will be necessaryBack to the resident place, but to a large extent, it will depend on whether NATO will withdraw troops from the border between the White and the Russian border.

According to Reuters, NATO said that Russia has conducted joint military exercises in the Cold War in the Cold War.

This joint military exercise begins on the 10th of this month, and the original Sunday (20th) ended, but the White Ross National Defense Minister Hedienan said that the joint military exercise will be extendedThe increase in military activities is also related to the intensification of tensions in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.

The White Ross Ministry of Defense took a stronger position on the 21st. In the statement, Chief of Staff Gu Lievic said: "Only when objective necessity occurs, the troops of the Russian armed forces will return to their residenceThis timetable is determined by ourselves. "

Gulievic said:" This also depends on the decision of our Western counterparts. The army and weapons deployed in the Eastern Europe, including the Berlos border,It is one of the factors that affect the current development of the situation. "He said that Minsk believes that they have the right to ask the United States and NATO to withdraw their troops from the Berlos border.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Wudong announced its own establishment of the Donetsk People's Republic of China.Including weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreement.

The Russian Federal Security Agency reported that a whistle from the Russian Fedef State Border Defense Administration of the Russian Federal Security Bureau from Ukraine was completely destroyed, but no one was injured.

Sources said that at 9:50 am on February 21, a shells launched from Ukraine completely destroyed a border post of the Russian Federal Security Bureau Rostov's border defense office, the building, the building.About 150 meters from the Russian and Ukraine border.No one was injured, and the engineer worked on the spot.