
Blue, green, yellow and red

Wen Weizhong

[email protected]

"Will you become a reporter in the battlefield?" A friend asked halfway when he was about to work in Taiwan more than three months ago.Seeing the deterioration of Sino -US relations, he is constantly increasing the possibility of martial arts in Mainland China.

I can't laugh about this drama.I have relatives and friends on both sides of the strait. What should I do if there is a war, my relatives, friends, and their children?I no longer just look at the lively spectators from overseas, but have become foreign journalists living in Taiwan.Military conflicts will definitely affect everyone who lives on both sides of the strait.

Will there be a war in the Taiwan Strait? "Some friends in Taiwan told me that since the score of 1949, the cross -strait crisis has been shouted for 72 years. This question has been numb.As for the military aircraft, it has almost flew to the Taiwan airspace every day in recent days, and some people even feel that "it is slowly used to."

Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor of the Institute of Strategic Research, Taiwan, lamented to me that more and more observer outside Taiwan believes that the conflict between the Taiwan Strait may erupt, but the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan believes that the mainland will not hit Taiwan."I am most worried about this kind of unreasonable psychological gap. Is it a foreign misjudgment or a romantic in Taiwan?"

The discussion of "cross -strait warfare" outside Taiwan includes the United States Indian -Pacific Commander Philip Davidson and his successor John Aquilino.The former believes that Beijing may attack Taiwan in the next six years, and the latter says that the situation may be more urgent than more people think.

In China and the United States, the views of the United States are partially interpreted as a better national defense budget, but they also reveal that the situation on the two sides of the strait is tight.

Niall Ferguson, a well -known British historian, also wrote in Bloomberg to put forward his nervous judgment on the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

He said that an economic staff of Chinese President Xi Jinping revealed that Xi Jinping's most concerned goal was to return Taiwan to the mainland rule, and to modify the term system and expand the three armies.Ferguson warns that if the United States does not fight for Taiwan during the crisis of the Taiwan Strait, Asian countries will see the end of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region, and the mainland will return to the status of Asian boss.

Any remarks may be just a family, and it is more worthy of specific actions.During the mid -March talks between the United States and Japan, the Minister of Defense had discussed the arrangement of the military conflict between the Taiwan Strait in the Taiwan Strait's military conflict.

Lin Xian, director of the East Asian Department of Taiwan Normal University, interpreted to the United Morning Post. This is an important signal to the international community. It shows that the United States has never explained whether to send troops to help Taiwan.Clear."This is also the first time that Japan has publicly announced that if Taiwan is not guaranteed, Japan is also 'lips and teeth."

The coordination of the United States and Japan was strictly reprimanded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China as "embarrassment".The high -profile league in the United States and Japan has to laid unstable factors for the situation in the Taiwan Strait. It remains to be observed.

It should be pointed out that although the mainland does not give up Wu Tong and has not given up the Huairou policy.The latest evidence is that when Xi Jinping recently inspected in Fujian, he emphasized that "it is necessary to highlight the promotion, promote the integration of benefits, promote the integration with affection, and be brave to explore the new road of integration and development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

Wudong means and Huairou's body, the mainland is not abandoned.Perhaps it can also be said that the mainland is "doing the worst plans for cross -strait relations and the best preparation."

On the other hand, will Taiwan be "making the best plan and the worst preparation"?When the people identify that "the mainland will not play", the Taiwanese government faces both the hard and hard of the mainland, and always binds the Zhongbao Terrace "to shout". Whether it really releases the goodwill that can be felt on the other side.And the effect can prove everything.

Many Taiwanese scholars have recently told me that cross -strait issues can now be simplified into "war and peace".

Modern war, in addition to traditional military conflicts, has also entered a comprehensive economic war, scientific and technological warfare, psychological warfare, etc. The military means is the last step and a last resort.However, once Taiwan announces its independence and allows external forces to intervene, the war is unavoidable.The official dialogue has been stopped on both sides of the strait for five years, and the intention and determination of the other party can easily be misjudged.Can you go on this way, can the two sides of the strait be peaceful and prosperous?It is really pessimistic.

But I always think that whether the cross -strait can return to the 1992 consensus, or create a new consensus on cross -strait political exchanges, "cross -strait peace and good life" should be the largest number of conventions on the cross -strait and Taiwan blue and green camps.It is hoped that the people on both sides of the strait will play collective wisdom, strive to avoid war, and solve their own problems on both sides of the strait.

After all, in mainland China, in order to pursue the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, once the martial arts martial arts will definitely leave the endgame that is difficult to clean up; if Taiwan stands self -reliance, it must also find the road to dialogue and coexistence with the mainland to avoid from pessimism or overlapping.Tragedy.