

Northern Remember

Han Yonghong

[email protected]

The conflict between China and the United States and other Western countries on the human rights issues in Xinjiang has become more and more intense, and even European consumer brands are involved in vortex.HM, a well -known global clothing brand in Sweden and Sweden, and sporting goods Nike. This week, it was accused of "insulting China" because of the human rights subject involved in Xinjiang, and was resisted by Chinese public opinion.

Among them, the HM Group can be considered unlucky. It caused trouble because of the "due diligence" statement about Xinjiang cotton last March. It mentioned that the reports of Xinjiang Uighurs forced labor and religious momentum were "deeply concerned".At this time after a year, HM was besieged by Chinese official media and social media groups. It is reported that HM's stores in Xinjiang were also forced to close the door for a day.

Under the indignation of "Chinese people don't eat this set", some Chinese media blew the number corner, claiming to resist the member company of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), because BCI announced last OctoberSuspension permit for Xinjiang cotton.Dozens of international clothing, sports and furniture giants have all on the "resistance list".Fortunately, the resistance of BCI members has not been active, but it is enough to be frightened for the brand involved.In contrast, the Chinese native Anta Sports quickly announced the withdrawal from BCI, while Li Ningpai publicly supported Xinjiang cotton. They correctly stated their politics of domestic people and drove the stock price of Hong Kong stocks to rise.

What is going on?After the fate of the US diplomacy last week in Alaska, the US Secretary of State Brosky issued a statement on Monday before attending the EU and NATO Foreign Minister's meeting this week, announcing a statement with the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Union, accusing China of infringing the human rights of the Uyghur ethnic group in Xinjiang.And name sanctions sanctions from Xinjiang officials.

On the same day, the three countries of Canada, Britain, and the United States also issued a joint statement, and the European Union announced separately to sanction four Xinjiang Gaogan.China immediately countered and announced the sanction of 10 European parliament members, scholars and four institutions.In response, France and Germany summoned the Chinese ambassador to negotiate. The European Parliament even temporarily canceled the review of the China -Europe comprehensive investment agreement to protest.After a day, Australia and New Zealand, which rely on China ’s trade, also followed up on Tuesday. They have published“ solemn concerns ”with the issue of human rights violations of Xinjiang.Starting sanctions.Then, the topic of HM happened.

This round of Xinjiang human rights subjects and "Xinjiang Cotton Battle", which followed the hot talks of Alaska in China and the United States, are like "Alaska Season 2".war.The United States demonstrates its coordination with the allies, performs value diplomacy, puts pressure on China, and maintains the will and capabilities of the international order dominated by the United States since World War II; China cannot let the open alliance move to work. It is inevitable that strong counterattack is also inevitableEssence

In addition to the serious consideration of strategy, both parties have reasons that both parties cannot show weakness: the United States needs to maintain the unity of the world's number one country with the unity of the alliance system, which is also its core interest; China has announced that "China has announced" ChinaPeople do not eat this set. "Naturally, we must maintain this important results.Therefore, after the mutual sanctions and eyes of the diplomatic level, China also aimed at the western brands that once spoke to Xinjiang cotton.The dispute is out of control.

After the Swedish government was arrested in China in China in 2016, the relationship with Beijing has been very nervous. China is the fourth largest market for the Swedish brand HM.EssenceNike, a US brand Nike, has also been exposed to a statement, and is concerned about Xinjiang's "reporting of forced labor" and is currently the target of pressure.

When will this round of sanctions and anti -sanctions around Xinjiang's human rights subject rest?

The intention of sanctioning Xinjiang officials in various countries is mainly humiliating, and there is no actual lethality. In the past few days, China and the United States have each showing stronger domestic audiences. After this effect, this round of "the battle of Xinjiang cotton"Sooner or later, like Alaska's service, it will turn to the next round after the flames of the luminous tongue.However, the issue of human rights in Xinjiang has risen to a contradiction between China and Europe and the United States relations. How to end it will become a problem.The so -called racial extinction theory is difficult to establish, and many Western countries do not agree with this certainty, but many people do care about the human rights of Xinjiang Uighurs. I hope to see higher transparency. China will handle this complex internal affairs.The question, and the questioners who persuade the value of value are different, it is not easy.

For international brand giants, China is a market that is difficult for enterprises to give up, but as Chinese and Western relations are becoming increasingly tense, the risk of international enterprises on this market is increasing.Greater powers sanctioned each other, but the current US current administrator was not sanctioned ... In the critical stage of this Sino -US contest in the 2020s, small and medium -sized countries and enterprises must be highly alert and disperse risks, hoping to spend this "dangerous 10 years" safely.