(Morning News) The performance report season is coming to an end.Although I don't know if this season is a bumper season for investors, it is certain that comparison with previous years, this year is indeed an unusual huge fluctuation season this year.

So far, most of the listed companies in the US stock market have released quarterly performance reports.According to FACTSET data, less than 100 standards remaining with the Pur 500 Index have not announced their fourth quarter results.

Generally speaking, the performance report season has been released in about six weeks in the future.Therefore, we often see that the company will start to declare performance in the second week of January, and then slowly end after the sixth week.

During this period, investors usually decide how to bet on stocks through the profit forecasts of various listed companies and market analysts' consensus on performance forecasting.

The results of the performance exceeded market forecasting and consensus, so the company's stock price of the company may rise.Conversely, if the performance is lower than the market forecast, the possibility of falling in the stock price is very high.

The season of this performance report can be described as ‘the season’ s performance report season ’.Unlike previous years, it seems more dramatic and the stock price fluctuations are more violent.If these performances are not eye -catching and exciting, they are dazzling and big glasses.

For example: After the closing of the market of Google's parent company Alphabet this year, it not only announced a good performance, but also announced the demolition of stocks in mid -July this year.As soon as this news came out, the stock of Alphabet rose nearly 11 % in the next day trading, and then more than 7 % when the formal transaction was officially traded.

The performance and sales released by the technology giant Apple exceed the consensus before Wall Street.In addition to iPad, Apple's business exceeds the standard.With the support of strong performance, Apple's stock price rose by more than 5 % in the after -market transactions on the day of the performance.

Amazon, which has exceeded performance, has also risen by 13.5 % after announced its strong profit; after the stock price has soared after the opening of the quarterly performance report, the largest takeaway company in the United States has soaredThe first day of the first day after the performance was ended at 10.69 %.

Crying and crying.The stock price of the company with poor performance faces the brutal "trial" of investors.

The most classic is the social media giant that has changed its name to Meta Platform from Facebook.This is also the company's first performance report after the rename.The report shows that the company's global users worldwide decreased by 500,000 in the fourth quarter of last year.

Under this negative news, the stock price opened the market 23 % the next day, and the market value evaporated by US $ 240 billion in a day, becoming the biggest decline in the history of the US stocks.The net assets of the founder Mark Zuckerberg also disappeared at $ 29 billion overnight, and was instantly kicked out of the top ten richest people in the world.

In addition, when Netflix published quarterly performance at the end of last month, because the prediction of the new user growth rate in the first quarter of this year was less than half of the consensus of Wall Street analysts, it suddenly made investors confidence in confidenceThe plunge caused the stock price to fall more than 20 % with the stock price.In the following trading days, the stock was weak.

Online game platform is also Roblox, the Yuan cosmic stock stock of everyone, just announced the performance report in the fourth quarter of last year last week.Because it did not reach the market's expectations, the stock fell 16 % after the stock market opened the market the next day, and the next day fell another 26 %.

Peloton, the American fitness stocks, who have been acquired by many companies recently, immediately fell 11 % immediately after the announcement of the performance below expected.So far, the stock has fallen 80 % from the highest point; the performance of the Shopify of e -commerce companies is not as good as expected, and it has also caused the stock to fall 17 % after the performance report was released.

These stocks have such a big decline in a single day. Therefore, if investors have booked the wrong treasure this time, their losses are quite scary, and vice versa.Investors who have predicted 'play' performance forecast this time are definitely greater than in previous years.

In addition to market emotions, for those stocks that have plummeted, is they really because the fundamentals of the entire macro market suddenly deteriorate, or because the performance of corporate performance is not as expected, it is "punished" by the market, or maybeIs the "foam" that is reasonable to be accelerated by the "foam"?In fact, investors should consider this problem carefully before they can calm down the investment projects at the hand, start again, or decide to enter the market to take advantage of the low inhalation.

In addition, another common point of this performance report is inflation.

It is very interesting that, according to FactSet through Document Search, from December 15 to February 10 last year, all standards for performance conferences and the conference records of Pur 500 Index Company will be held.When searching for the vocabulary of "Inflation" (Inflation), it was found that among the 337 companies that released the performance, there were 246 phrases mentioned at the fourth quarter performance conference.144 are much higher.

According to FactSet, 100 % of the necessary consumer goods companies and 90 % of raw material companies mentioned 'inflation' at the fourth quarter performance report conference, which is the highest ratio industry group.

Kevin Ozan, the chief financial officer of McDonald's, has increased its quarterly operating cost of the group by 14 %, including increased salary costs, as well as raw materials for staple foods such as Macs and Macle Chicken;And the price and labor cost inflation problem will continue in the short term.

Does inflation have changed the company's ability to make money?Does this mean that the previous forecast and market analysts have to re -adjust the profit forecast consensus?

Many companies also mention the price increase while mentioning 'inflation'.PROCTER GAMBLE, which produces baby diaper, laundry, dishwasher, toothpaste, Gillette shaver, etc.The user fee is about 11 %; McDonald's burger bag may also increase the price this year.

As consumers, our expenses this year will definitely be more than last year.As an investor, have you already benefited from the season of this performance report and prepare for higher prices?