A local Chinese local officials condemned the violence and discrimination against Asians and Americans at the meeting last week, and showed the big scars left by his chest injuries during his service in the United States to respond to the outside world questioning himpatriotism.

Comprehensive Washington Post and National Public Broadcasting Station reported that 69 -year -old local officials Wang Li (transliteration, Lee Wong) moved from China to the United States more than 50 years ago, and served in the U.S. military for 20 years.

Wang Li disclosed at a local government conference at West Chester Township, Ohio on Tuesday (23rd).Patriotic heart.He then showed the scars on his chest and questioned: "Is this patriotic enough?"

Wang Li said that in the past, he had endured disgusting affairs in the past, because he was worried that he would encounter more attacks and discrimination, and did not dare to say these issues.

Wang Li explained that he decided to show scars on his chest, because he was not afraid, and he didn't have to live in fear, intimidation or insult.