The UN Burmese Human Rights Special Inspector Andrews said: "Myanmar situation is deteriorating. If the international community does not immediately and strongly indicates that people who support Myanmar are oppressed, the local situation may be worse."

(Yangon Composite Electric) After a day of the "Silent Strikes" protests in Myanmar, the people in Myanmar have once again on the streets on Thursday (March 25) across the country on Thursday (March 25).The military police continued to be strong, at least seven people killed and injured more than ten people.

UN investigators pointed out that the situation in Myanmar has continued to deteriorate and demands a emergency human rights summit.The United States and the United Kingdom announced large -scale enterprises that have increased sanctions.

Thousands of people in Myanmar responded to the "Silent Strike Strike City" on Wednesday, staying at home, and the store also closed a day to rest for a day.This is a new strategy for demonstrations to avoid the military.However, major cities such as Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, Dongzhi, the capital of the Eastern Capital of the East and Paian, the capital of Klunbang, as well as the provinces in the central region.The boat demonstrates on the river.

At least seven people were killed in the process of dispersion of the demonstrations of the military and police, and more than ten people were injured.Among them, four of Dongzhi died and six were injured. It was the worst casualties on Thursday.Two people in Ding Ganjun town in Yangon died and five were injured.In fact, one person died and three injured.Many demonstrators were arrested that day.

The Burmese military launched a coup to seize power on February 1, and the people's group protested and was targeted by the military forces.According to informal statistics from the Myanmar Political Sinfenders Association (AAPP), at least 280 demonstrators in Myanmar died of armed targets, and more than 2,000 were arrested.The military acknowledged that 164 "violent terrorists" have been killed in the past two months.

As the Burmese military has not diminished its strength, the US Department of Finance announced on the official website on Thursday that the Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) and Myanmar Economic Holdings (MEHL) were blacklisted and frozen them in the United States.assets.This is the first time that the United States has sanned the Burmese Army's large -scale enterprises since the coup in Myanmar.

The United Nations calls to hold an emergency human rights summit

The United States announced on March 4 that it would impose trade sanctions on the Burmese military. The US Ministry of Finance announced on March 10 that the adult children of Min Angle, commander of Myanmar National Defense Force, Ang Panzai and Kettiidmond.The United States has previously announced that the Myanmar military will freeze about $ 1 billion (approximately S $ 1.35 billion) funds at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In addition to the United States, the United Kingdom also announced on Thursday to cooperate with US sanctions.British Foreign Minister Labu issued a statement saying that Britain will sanction the Myanmar Economic Holdings Corporation as a response to the Human rights of Rohingya as a senior management of the Burmese Army.He said that the goal of British sanctions is "drying them (military) the financial resources of the people."

In addition, the United Nations Special investigator of Myanmar Human Rights Andrews said the situation in Myanmar is deteriorating sharply.He called on Southeast Asian countries and global powers to hold an emergency human rights summit for this.He issued a statement on Thursday stating: "The situation in Myanmar is getting worse. If the international community does not immediately and effectively shows the people who support Myanmar's oppressed people, the local situation may be worse."

He said: "The limited sanctions of various countries cannot cut off the funds that Myanmar's military government continues to act illegally, and the slow diplomatic activities cannot keep up with the speed of deteriorating the situation. I worry that the international community can launch a lot of action."