(Comprehensive News of Tehran / Dubai) China and Iran signed a 25 -year strategic cooperation agreement at the official television live broadcast ceremony yesterday. When the two countries are under pressure at the same time, the agreement is expected to expand the "Belt and Road".The scale of the initiative.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, Reuters and Germany reported that the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who arrived in Iran on Friday, signed the agreement with Iran's foreign minister Zarve yesterday in Tehran.

Wang Yi said to the local media: "The relationship between the two countries has reached the level of strategic partnership. China seeks a comprehensive improvement of the relationship with Iran."

He pointed out that the relationship between China and Iran is "permanent and strategic" and is not affected by the current situation."Iran's independent decision to have the relationship with other countries, unlike some countries, change the position when receiving a call."

The China -Iran Cooperation Agreement, which has not been announced, is believed to be part of the "Belt and Road" initiative.The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hartbarda revealed yesterday: "This document is a complete roadmap containing strategic politics and economic terms including trade, economic and transportation cooperation."

He said that the agreement was initially proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in January 2016.At that time, Xi Jinping and Iranian President Rouhani agreed to establish a roadmap for mutual investment in transportation, ports, energy, industry, and services.

At the beginning of July last year, Zarve told the Iranian Parliament that Zhongsai Zheng was negotiating on a "25 -year strategic agreement".

A 18 -page text draft obtained by Broadcasting Corporation at the time mentioned that China will obtain the right to continue to purchase Iranian oil and will become the main investors and main partners in the field of Iran's economy.The New York Times also obtained the Persian version of the agreement and reported that the agreement includes the economic cooperation and military cooperation projects worth billions of yuan.

After exiting the Iran nuclear agreement, the United States began to impose oil sanctions on Iran, asking countries to stop importing oil from Iran to curb oil revenue that is vital to Iran.

Analysis believes that Iran hopes to invest in Chinese investment and exports to China to alleviate economic pressure.China is also Iran's largest trading partner.For China, Iran is not only a sales market, but also an important oil supplier.