North Korea launched two short -range cruise missiles on the western waters of the North Korean Peninsula on the 21st. South Korean news said that North Korea was not launched by ballistic missiles and did not violate the UN Security Council resolution.

The Korean Army confirmed yesterday (March 24) that North Korea launched two short -range cruise missiles to the western western waters of the Korean Peninsula on the 21st.This is the first time North Korea has launched missiles in the past year. It is also the first time that the Bayeng government has tested the missile after taking office.Analysis pointed out that North Korea's move was to test the policy of worshiping the government's towards North Korea.

The Washington Post quoted U.S. officials yesterday that US Secretary of State Brosky and National Defense Minister Austin did not take a few days after visiting the Asia -Pacific region last Friday, and North Korea fired two short -range missiles on the 21st.

In this regard, the Korean Army confirmed yesterday that North Korea launched two short -range cruise missiles in the western waters at 6:36 am on the 21st on the 21st.The two missiles were short, and the Korean army was analyzing the specific parameters of the missile.South Korean government sources pointed out that North Korea launched not ballistic missiles and did not violate the UN Security Council resolution.

Because South Korea did not announce the news as soon as possible, it was first disclosed by US officials, which attracted great attention from public opinion.

In response, the relevant sources of the Korean Army explained that the Korean Army had leaked assets such as intelligence detection assets. North Korea did not make public content every time North Korea launched a cruise missile.However, South Korean public opinion pointed out that in April last year, when North Korea launched a cruise missile, the South Korean side immediately made public public.

Bynden does not think North Korea provokes

South Korean Congress He Taiqing pointed out that according to the report of the intelligence authorities, "Korea and the United States have long mastered (North Korea launched missiles), but the two sides agreed not to make public content in advance."

The diplomatic community believes that South Korea and the United States have not publicly launched missiles in advance, or the US Bynden government deliberately ignores North Korea's strategy.

U.S. President Biden said in the White House on Tuesday night that it did not think that North Korea was provocative."We know that everything has not changed."

When asked if he thought that the test was provocative, he said, "No, according to the Ministry of National Defense, this is carried out as usual. The job they did is not exceeding the scope of many resolutions of the UN Security Council."

Experts point out that the Bayeng government is conducting cross -departmental assessment of the policy of North Korea. North Korea has launched a provocation to show a sense of existence.But North Korea seems to want to avoid "unnecessary stimuli" to the United States, and choose a cruise missile that does not violate the resolution of the UN Security Council, not ballistic missiles.

At the same time, North Korea's launch time is justified after the end of the US Secretary of State and the Defense Minister's visit to South Korea, and the United States and China are of great significance after holding high -level talks in Alaska.

Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of Korean Studies at Lihua Women's University, pointed out that the more contradictions between the United States and China, the more likely China to support North Korea.North Korea must see that the US -China talks have not reached a consensus, and they are convinced that "China will stand on our side" before firing the missiles.

Wen Shengmo, the National Institute of Strategy of Korea, pointed out that Trump was worried that his policy of North Korea was criticized. As long as North Korea did not launch intercontinental ballistic missiles that threatened the entire country in the United States, he opened his eyes and closed one eye.EssenceBut the Bayeng government is different, and there are many experts to North Korea who know much about North Korea.The possibility of attaching importance to the "principle" is very low in default to North Korea's provocation.

Experts: North Korea will be held accountable if it fires a ballistic missile in Bayeng

Experts who do not want to disclose identity also believe that once North Korea launch ballistic missiles in the future, the Bayeng government may take further sanctions.Biden's cabinet staff has rich experience in North Korea. As long as North Korea exceeds the bottom line, it will definitely be held accountable.

After the Bayeng government came to power, the United States seemed to be in contact with North Korea, but the DPRK proposed to the United States that it could not be read.

(Reporter is the joint morning newspaper Seoul correspondent)