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(Morning Post) Australia's international tourists who completed the vaccination of coronary vaccines on Monday (February 21) were fully opened on the border.To curb the crown disease, Australia has closed the international border since March 2020.

Reuters reports that more than 50 international passenger planes will fly to Australia on Monday, of which 27 flights will land in Sydney, the largest city in Australia.

Dan Tehan, the Minister of Tourism, went to Sydney Airport to welcome tourists in person, and gave tourists a pot of Australian national cuisine "Vegemite" food sauce, flowers, koalas, or fumors.Kangaroo fluffy toys.

Thai Han said that Kunda Airlines expects more than 14,000 international passengers to enter Australia this week, and the tourism market in Australia will be "very strong" to rebound.

Tourism is one of Australia's largest industries. It can create more than 60 billion Australian dollars (about 58 billion yuan) for Australia each year. About 5%of the country's labor population is employed by the tourism industry.

The Australian tourism and hotel industries, which are severely damaged by the epidemic, hope to recover quickly and recover the lost land as soon as possible.