Some health consultants of British Prime Minister Johnson believe that it is too early to relieve all epidemic prevention measures, which may lead to surge in infection cases and weaken the ability of Britain to prevent potential new variants.

(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Johnson expects today to announce the cancellation of all epidemic prevention restrictions, including the release of self -isolation regulations for the confidant of crown diseases to achieve coexistence with the virus to coexist with the virusTarget.This will make Britain the first European country that allows infenders to work as usual, go on the streets, and use buses.

However, some of Johnson's sanitary consultants believe that it is too early to relieve all epidemic prevention measures, which may lead to surge in infection cases and weaken the ability of Britain to prevent potential new variants.The Opposition Labor Party accused Johnson of "announced victory before the end of the war" in order to transfer the attention of the "party door" investigation.

The British Prime Minister's Mansion said on Saturday that Johnson expects to cancel the cancellation of the "regulations on the freedom of the public" on Monday as part of the coexistence plan with crown diseases.Johnson pointed out in the statement: "Crown disease will not disappear suddenly. We must learn to coexist with this virus and continue to protect ourselves without restricting freedom."

At presentThe symptoms of coronary disease, testing is positive or received instructions from public health officials must be separated for five days.After this regulation was canceled, the authorities replaced them with voluntary guidance, which was the same as that of most other infectious diseases such as influenza.

After the epidemic prevention restrictions are fully lifted, Britain will protect the people by vaccination plan, testing and new therapeutic drugs.The statement said: "Drug intervention dominated by vaccination plans will continue to be our first line of defense."

85 % of the population of 12 and above in the UK has been vaccinated at least two doses.

Among the 12 years old and above in the UK, about 85 % of the vaccination of at least two doses of coronary disease, two -thirds of the additional additional additions; most of the high -risk groups have finished three shotsEssence

Johnson's coexistence plan with crown disease may help boost his support among the Conservative Party.He was criticized by the party's request to end epidemic prevention and was criticized by Tang Ning Street officials to be held during the blockade.

But scientists emphasize that there are still many unknown crown virus, and future variants may also be more dangerous than the current mainstream Omikon poison strains.

Nabaro, a special envoy of the World Health Organization's crown disease, stated that it does not support the end of self -isolation.He told the Broadcasting Corporation on Saturday: "I think this is really very unwise, I don't understand why it should be done."

Nabaro said that all countries must eventually be in the endThe disease is coexisting, but this virus is still dangerous, and leaders in the world must be cautious.He also warned that it was not time to take off the mask and cancel the social distance.

Statisticalist Stipigholt, the University of Cambridge University, called on the government to continue a statistical investigation of crown disease infections as an important part of coexistence with crown diseases.