(French Xindian) crown disease has continued to promote online love fraud. American data shows that last year, such cases increased by nearly 80 % over the previous year, and the amount of fraud was as high as 547 million US dollars (about 740 million yuan)Essence

Internet love fraud has always been the type with the highest loss in various types of fraud cases.According to data from the Federal Trade Commission, in the past five years, the online love fraud case reported to the "Consumer Sentinel Network" responsible for the committee has a loss of 1.3 billion US dollars, and this number has leapfrog during the period of crown diseases.increase.

Although the amount of being deceived above is amazing, the Federal Trade Commission pointed out that this is just the tip of the iceberg because most of the victims did not report to the authorities.Many people dare not disclose their own experiences after they have been, and they are worried about being laughed at or criticized by others.

Former Air Force officer Debbi, former Florida, was deceived by more than $ 1 million by the "boyfriend" who had met online for many years, but she never told anyone.She is now a business, like many victims, and does not believe that she will encounter such a scam."This should not happen to me."

However, in fact, online love scammers are omnipresent and pervasive.The victims regardless of men, women, and children and identity backgrounds. There are widows in their 60s and young people under 30.

The US Federal Trade Commission pointed out that data shows that from 2017 to last year, the number of victims from the age of 18 to 29 increased by more than 10 times.

In the past two years, the Internet love fraud case has increased significantly, mainly because many countries around the world have taken measures to lock the country during the crown disease, which has caused many people to work at home and cannot participate in normal social activities.At home for a long time, it prompts people to surf the Internet more often, so that online love scammers are organic.

The founder of the "Citizen Anti -Love Fraud Association", the founder of the US non -profit organization, pointed out that the number of Internet love fraud cases soared during the epidemic, because it can only stay at home, which makes people feel lonely and lonely, and the InternetIt is the only tool to communicate with the outside world and discharge loneliness.

During the epidemic period, they cannot travel or appoint, or those who have been diagnosed or have been exposed to diagnosis, must be isolated and cannot go to appointment, have become excuses for love scammers to refuse to meet with the victims.They even used this as a reason to cheat money, and they lied that they needed a lot of money to pay for isolation or inspection fee, or cancel the itinerary.

A male victim paid about $ 400,000 visa fees and various other "emergency expenses" for "girlfriend", and finally found it.