Alaska, Alaska, Alaska, which has just entered the spring, still has a cold at minus 8 degrees, but the Sino -US senior talks that appeared on the afternoon of the 18th local time have approached the boiling point.The two sides in front of the media lens, the tongue sword, the smell of gunpowder, and the fierce confrontation of the several rounds exposed the differences between the two countries' root outs.

The first Sino -US high -level talks after the Bayeng government took office in the United States opened with the "debate" atmosphere. Will the two parties talk about the next meeting?Will the legendary Xi worship be staged after the talks?Or will Sino -US relations fall into the glasses?

The lip gun tongue sword after taking off the mask

Although there are signs before the high -level talks between China and the United States, the two sides will have a certain degree of friction on multiple issues this time.However, the full fire of the firepower is still "too fast and too fierce" for some observers.

Comprehensive information of all parties, before the talks, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and the Chinese visiting group led by the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, wearing masks, steadily followed Captain Captain Hotel HotelEntering the dance hall of the meeting, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi nodded to the media before they entered.U.S. Secretary of State Brillings and national security advisers Shalin welcomes the arrival of the Chinese visiting delegation.At the beginning of the atmosphere of harmoniousness, the two sides suddenly turned sharply after taking off the mask, and the bows were opened left and right for sensitive issues such as human rights.

Yang Jiechi (right) and Wang Yi (Left) I arrived at Captain Cook Hotel, Captain Cook Hotel, Alaska, USA Captain, Alaska, USA Captain.(Agence France -Presse)

Brinton, who had just ended Japan and South Korea's visit, took the lead in speaking. His opening remarks were designed to make a pre -seminar to try to set the main tone for two days of talks.Blints Outline: The problems that the United States must mention in this conference not only happens to the United States and China, but also about the region, other countries, and the world.He does not name China to criticize China: "Failure to obey rules -based international order can lead to a more violent and unstable world."

Brinken then outlines the topic of talks: "We will discuss our behavior of China -including behaviors in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, network attacks on the United States, and economic coercion for our allies ... All these actions are threatenedMaintain global stability, rules -based order. Therefore, they are not just internal affairs, so we also feel that they are obliged to ask these issues here today. "

Brinkens (middle) is in the opening whiteThe attitude is tough, and it is said that the high -level talks between the two sides should talk about the human rights issues in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and other places.(Agence France -Presse)

Shalvin fought iron while it was hotly tone under Bollinger. The wording sharply said: "Our overwhelming priority in the United States is to ensure that our way of dealing with world affairs and the method of dealing with our relationship with China are beneficial to the American people.Protect the interests of our allies and partners. "

Sarawan's vitality is peaceful but also imply a warning meaning: "We do not seek conflict, but we welcome fierce competition. We will always defend our principles and defend our people and our friends." The gesture shown in the opening white of the United States in about two minutes is tough, "related to the world", "global stability" and other speeches will add the talks to the limit, "overwhelming", "always defend" and other words.Reserve any room for discussion and rotation of the talks and content.

When it was the Chinese turn, Yang Jiechi used the "hard touch" with the United States for about 15 minutes, which not only strongly refuted the accusations of the United States, but also approved the human rights issue of the United States itself, and launched an offensive against the rationality of the United States.In addition to clarifying China's position, Yang Jiechi is more "reprimand" for the United States.

He faced the condemnation of the United States about "international order" in the opening whites, saying that China has Chinese -style democracy, and it advocates "the common value of all mankind".The international order is not "orderly based on the rules formulated by a small part of the country", and it is not like the United States "use force to use force to cause world turmoil and uneasiness."

Yang Jiechi (middle) said,Western countries do not represent global public opinion, and they say that the United States is the "champion" in cyber attacks, and Wang Yi is sitting on the right.(Reuters)

"Most countries in the world do not recognize the value of the United States is international value. What the United States does not recognize is international public opinion.Lincoln's "rule -based order" is equivalent to "order -based order", and attributes China and "most countries" to the huge system and mainstream of defending the common values of human beings.Essence

After setting up the Chinese position, Yang Jiechi immediately used the United States to criticize China's human rights issues, in turn criticizing the United States: "The human rights issues in the United States are deep -rooted and not existed in the past four years.This problem has long existed, "Yang Jieye inference said:" So I think it is better for our two countries to take care of their own affairs."

He also said, "What the United States needs to do now is to change its own image, rather than promoting its so -called democracy. And the United States has no confidence in the US democracy in the country, and there are various people in the United States.Seve your views. "

Yang Jieyi's hot words made many people startled.Wang Yi immediately spoke. His speech was shorter than Yang Jie, but he clearly pointed out a core concept: "China will never accept the unreasonable accusations of the United States in the past, future, and future. At the same time, we ask the United States to give up to interfere with ChinaThis hegemony of the internal affairs should be changed. "

The showdown with the United States warned the United States to change the "old problem" that interfered in the Chinese internal affairs and no longer talking to China with an overlooking attitude. This is a clear signal issued by Chinese representatives to the United States.

Shatin (right) and Brinken attended the Sino-US executive talks held at the Captain Hotel Aklechcook Hotel, Saudi Speaking. (AFP)

Brinken's subsequent response: "I have to tell you that what I heard is very different from you. What I heard is the depth of the depth of the United States and our allies and partners re -contact with our allies and partners.I am satisfied. I also hear some in -depth attention to some of the actions that your government is taking. When we actually talk, we will have the opportunity to discuss these. "In the face of Yang Jiechi's "fierce attack", Brinken chose to explain the "hearing" listed in the United States, rather than increasing firepower and trying to relieve the tension atmosphere.

Shatin added: "A confident country can carefully examine its shortcomings and seek improvement at all times. This is the secret of the United States." —— Although this statement indirectly criticized China for "not confident enough", the tone has been gentle, and the tone has been more gentle.After all, it's just "saying things".

Yang Jieyu later spoke again, went straight in a single knife, raised his right hand and said to the United States: "We think of you too well, we think you will follow the basic diplomatic etiquette, so we must clarify our position just now. I am nowSpeaking: You are not qualified to say in front of China, starting with your strength status and talking to China. 20 years ago, you did not have this status ... because the Chinese do not eat this set. "/p>

Looking at the opening of Mars splashing, the United States' premiered people's remarks are tough, and Yang Jiechi has a dramatic backbone and more aggressive.At the same time, the talks can continue to talk.But Yang Jieyi's last speech once again pushed the tension to the boiling point.

The controversy after "debate"

The opening of the original plan for eight minutes lasted for more than 90 minutes, and the entire meeting lasted for nearly four hours.But the quarrel between China and the United States is still ongoing after the meeting.

The International News Agency quoted a Chinese delegation officials participating in senior China -US high -level talks in the United States that the United States had a severe time when the United States had a serious opening, and accused the Chinese and foreign policies unreasonably.In line with diplomatic etiquette.Another US senior officials criticized that the Chinese delegation seemed to intentionally "publicity" and violated the agreement.

The official said that before the talks, the two sides agreed to publicize a short start statement for two minutes, but finally lasted for more than an hour.The official criticized: "The Chinese delegation ... it seems to come with the intention of the public, and the form of the speech is more important than the essence. They obviously violate the agreement immediately."

Where does the smell from gunpowder come from?

The most direct reason may be that the United States broke through the "unable to touch" human rights issues that Yang Jiechi had previously warned at the beginning., Triggered a strong counterattack by China.

Secondly, before the talks began, the two sides talked with each other, and the undercurrents were turbulent, laying a hot and confronted foreshadowing.The US, Japan, Australia and India Summit, Brinken, and Austen visited Japan and South Korea and other behaviors to set up the U.S. to fight against China to fight against China.It is strongly blameing such as bothering, and everyone has smelled the smell of gunpowder.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, approves before the high -level talks between China and the United StatesThe United States and Japan "embarrassed" and criticized the United States to engage in "microphone diplomacy".(internet)

In addition, the two officials splashed cold water on the talks.The Chinese Ambassador to Washington, Cui Tiankai, told the Chinese media on Wednesday: "If anyone thinks that the Chinese side came to Alaska with sincerity this time, it is still to make compromise and concessions.Travel, why bother this trouble? "

However, in the final analysis, in this kind of highly anticipated talks, the speeches of the two parties are not impromptu, but they are fully prepared to deduce with sand tables.Since this is the first time that the new US government has played against the senior China and the United States after taking office, the two sides must set the opening of the first day of the first high -level talks.Sino -US exchanges show any concessions or weaknesses first.Therefore, maybe the two sides have long prepared for the first day of "mutual", in the plan, instead of unexpected.

After the smoke dispersed, the situation

There are three rounds of high -level dialogue between China and the United States. There are two rounds of dialogue on the 18th, and there is another round of dialogue on the 19th.The first round of dialogue was the only dialogue to the media.How will the hot opening of the two sides affect the relationship between the next conversation with China and the United States?

There are three possibilities for the two remaining conversations in today and Ming Dynasty: the smell of gunpowder in the first debate is intensified, and the conversation breaks the situation.This is unlikely. Some sources revealed that the second talks that China and the United States are currently being conducted are much smoother than the first game, and the atmosphere is much easier.

The second possibility is that the two sides are "hard first and then soft". In the next talks, they release the goodwill, greatly reverse the atmosphere, and finally achieve substantial results.Based on the cases that have been negotiated in the past and the concentration of thermal medicine flavor in the opening of the two sides, this situation is also not optimistic.

The last possibility is that the two parties maintain today's strength or slightly decrease. When the principles still do not give up, stalemate, and finally end with unhappy or did not reach any substantial progress.

2011, then the United StatesVice President's Biden (first from right) and the then Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping (first from left) and his translation were visited in the suburbs of Chengdu.Before the government governed by Biden, some observers believe that Sino -US relations will be "thawed" (Agence France -Presse)

Before the government governed by the government, some observers believe that Sino -US relations will be "thawed", but we still have not seen the traces of "ice break", and we see a more intense collision.And with the advancement of time, there are fewer and fewer positive factors, and more and more negative factors. I hope that the two sides should still control the firepower to avoid the warwalking of the war as a warning.