(Kiev comprehensive) Russia has not declared war on Ukraine and has not launched military operations, but has successfully destroyed Ukraine's stability and cracking down on the Ukraine economy.Several international airlines have announced their flight to Ukraine, and overseas investors have also suspended the purchase of Ukrainian real estate.

Cooky, the consultant of Ukraine Energy Minister, said the worry caused by the situation in Ukraine is exactly what Russian President Putin wants to achieve."Their purpose is to create a large -scale panic, so even if a bullet is not fired, it has won this war."

The Institute of Kiev Economics estimates that this crisis has led to the loss of Ukraine in the past few weeks in the past few weeks.A billion US dollars, and war or long -term siege will further deteriorate the situation.

Former Minister of Economic Development of Ukraine, Malovanov, said: "Ukraine is either invaded, or the economy is heavy."

The tension has exacerbated, and some insurance companies have stated last week that they will not be underwritten for flights to Ukraine or via Ukraine.Two Ukrainian airlines were also rejected by insurance companies, resulting in the Ukrainian government had to allocate $ 592 million (about 797 million yuan) as a guarantee to eliminate the concerns of insurance and leasing companies to ensure that international flights continue to operate.

Before that, airlines in the Netherlands and the UAE had announced a suspension of flights to Ukraine because they were worried that Ukraine was unsafe.

Ukraine was also attacked by large -scale networks on Tuesday, and the systems of many government departments and national banks were paralyzed.The Ukrainian government immediately pointed his finger to Russia, but the Kremlin firmly denied that it was behind the scenes.

According to Cookta analysis, this is part of the "hybrid war" launched by Russia, in order to destroy Ukraine's stability and emphasize its economy.

Some merchants in Kiev, Ukraine's capital, reported that many people did not dare to go out because they were worried that the war was about to start. Some large local ticket sales activities were not as much as possible, and the merchants lost heavy losses.

A real estate agent also told the New York Times that since Russia began to be held in the Russian border in November last year, no foreigners asked for rent, and all the real estate transactions of Kiev were shouted.stop.