(Yangon Composite Electric) The Myanmar military will put forward new allegations of corruption on Weng Shan Shuzhi, the overthrown elected leader.At the same time, the military expands the scope of the restrictions on communication and information dissemination, so that the protesters who fight for democracy are increasingly isolated.

Weng Shan Shuzhi, 75, was arrested with other senior leaders when the military launched a coup on February 1, and was successively accused of violating the import and export law, the natural disaster management law, the telecommunications law and incitement method.

Myanmar state -owned TV station broadcast a video on the evening of the 17th. The screen shows that a local real estate developed business MAUNG Weik said that in order to maintain its business, from April 2018 to April 2020, it has four times.Browing Wengshan Shuzhi with a total of $ 550,000 (about 730,000 yuan).

This is not Wengshan's first corruption allegations.A military spokesman said last week that a former elected government member who has been arrested has confessed that he had provided Wengshan with $ 600,000 in bribe and more than 10 kg of gold bars.Weng Shan's representative lawyer Qin Maozuo rebuked accusations of "no basis and logical."

The Myanmar military seized Wengshan and others, and also targeted the demonstrations of the demonstrations, attracted criticism from the international community. Western countries have called on the Myanmar army to release Wengshan and others, but the Myanmar military has been ignoring the pressure on the outside world.

The crown disease epidemic has been in the past one year. Nowadays, the political turmoil has pushed Myanmar's economy to the edge of collapse.The UN Food Agency warned this week that rising grain and fuel prices in Myanmar may damage the self -sufficient ability of poor families.

Burmese historians and writers Dan Min published a tweet saying: "No matter what Burmese will happen in the next few months, the economy will collapse, and the number of people in the number of people will be protected."

Although the military once violently targets demonstration protests, demonstrations are constantly outbreak every day throughout Myanmar.

According to local media reports, Natmauk, a natmauk in the east of Wengshan's hometown, has thousands of people on the street yesterday, and about 1,000 demonstrators in the central town of the central town ride onThe motorcycle parade protested, and even the Jade Mine in the north, HPAKANT, also broke out of hundreds of people.

Although the demonstration of yesterday did not report violent conflicts, a 24 -year -old democratic activist died after being detained by the authorities on Wednesday.According to reporters, the activist was detained by the Myanmar security forces and was beaten by people.

In order to stop the expansion of demonstration, the military has repeatedly restricted domestic communication and information dissemination.Military and political power has ordered the internet disconnection of the Internet for more than a month at night, and this week has blocked the mobile data of mobile phones, which makes the process of protesting sports organizations or sharing on -site photos and videos increasingly challenging.

Wireless networks in the public region of Myanmar have been basically closed yesterday.Residents in some cities and towns in the south said that there is no Internet service at all.

Non -official media is also under tremendous pressure.Authorities have ordered to close some media, and other media will obviously be forced to close due to logistics reasons.The last private media has been suspended on the 17th.