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(Morning News) An unnamed official on Saturday (February 19), a NATO organization, said that employees who sent the Ukrainian capital Kiev have moved toLivev in western Ukraine and Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

Agence France -Presse reported that the NATO official said: "The safety of our employees is the most important consideration, so employees have moved to Livev and Brussels, and the NATO office in Ukraine still maintains operation."

The official did not disclose the number of people who moved their employees.

Because Russia may invade Ukraine, many Western countries have relocated foreign officials from Kiev to Livev from neighboring Poland.Brussels is where NATO's headquarters is located.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said on Saturday that all signs showed that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine in an all -round way.He said: "We all agree that the risk of invasion is very high."

US President Biden Bayeng also said on Friday (18th) that he "believes" Russia will invade Ukraine within a week.Essence