(Washington Composite Electric) The Judge of Washington, the United States, refused the request of the former US President Trump for exemption of inciting complaints on Friday that he could not enjoy the presidential exemption in the lawsuit of the Capitol's attack on January 6 last year.

Trump faced several lawsuits filed by the members and the police, saying that he had to take a direct responsibility for the violent behavior of the violent act of attacking the incident of supporters in the parliament.

The Judge of Columbia Special Administrative Region, Meita, believes that Trump's behavior was "non -public business" and "it was exactly what he did to continue the second term."Scope.

Meta made a ruling: "Rejecting a president to exempt from making civil losses is not a trivial matter. The court knows that this decision is important.It is believed that this ruling is consistent with the purpose behind the exemption. "

Meta also said that before the incident, Trump made a speech to thousands of supporters gathered in Washington.Reasonable "is regarded as" calling for collective action ".

Trump spoke to the supporters shortly that day, a group of people waving the banner of the "Trump 2020" flag to the parliament building, hundreds of them forcibly broke into Congress.The riots died of five people including a parliament police, and about 140 law enforcement officers were injured.