(Morning News) Tuesday (February 15th), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.For soil stones, rescue workers pulled out more remains from the earth and stone piles on Saturday (19th), including 26 children, and the number of victims increased to 139.

Agence France -Presse reported that rescuers used iron shovels to dig in the soil piles in the dense fog. Search and rescue operations entered the fifth day, but the hope of finding more survivors became more and more slim.

In the disaster area, the rescue staff occasionally sound the whistle, asking everyone to keep quiet to listen to signs of life carefully.However, the authorities said that it is unlikely to find a survivor now.

Local officials said that 24 people were rescued by life, but they were almost rescued in the first few hours of the incident.In the middle of the night as of Friday (18th), 218 people disappeared.

Police also said that of the 139 remains found, 91 have confirmed identities.

Many missing people may be among the remains that have not yet confirmed their identities, but because the data is unclear, it is difficult to expect how many people will increase.