A high -level commander of the U.S. military warns that Washington and Beijing's competition on the international control may be closer to the United States.

According to the Voice of the United States, the Commander and Navy General Craig Feller, commander of the Southern Command of the United States and the South American U.S. military affairs in China, and the United States and US military affairs.Utilizing, exerting your will to more and more countries has become the primary threat in the region.

Faler said to the members of the Senate Military Commission: "I regard the hemisphere as the front line of competition." He further described that Beijing's approach was "forced to the audience."

"I have a sense of urgency," he added."Our influence is weakening."

"Some examples include their pursuit of a number of port agreements, loans that seek political influence, vaccine diplomacy that destroys sovereignty, national monitoring, information technology and abuse of resources, such as illegal, unsupervised and unable to report arrestFish, "He told reporters in the Pentagon after testimony in Congress Mountain.

Faler said that China's vaccine diplomacy is particularly worrying. "They are using the vaccine as their information technology, their 5G protocol bargaining chips,"