The three -week truck driver of Ottawa arrested more than a hundred people and dragged away dozens of cars.The Municipal Government of Ottawa is expected to complete the clear field within a few days.The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that truck drivers were faced with foreign power.

To prevent more people from joining the demonstration, the Ottawa Police Department has built roadblocks and fences in the core area of the city center, and set up 100 police inspection stations.Enter.

According to Reuters, Ottawa officially dispatched hundreds of police officers and mortar police officers to clear the field. Some police officers carried guns, while others were equipped with equipment that seemed to be a tear bullet launcher.There were at least one military armored vehicle at the scene.Dozens of trailers are busy dragging away demonstrators who block the roads in the city center.

The police did not use tear bombs in the end, but had physical conflicts with protesters in the operation.Some protesters were dragged out of the truck, and the resistance was even pressed against the ground against their hands.Canadian television states that some demonstrators were sprayed by sprayed peppers, and some were trampled by the horse's horse.

The Temporary Police Director of Ottawa told the protesters at a press conference on the 18th local time: "Go back to your truck. We will provide a safe passage to let you leave our city.. We hope that demonstrations will end peacefully.

"We will perform operations 24 hours a day until they return the entire city to residents."Police expected that the clearance operation may take several days to complete.

As of the 18th, the police have driven the protesters from the intersection near the Rideau Center.Multi -center has been forced to suspend business for three weeks because of demonstrations.

Some drivers participating in the demonstration drive on the 18th to drive away from Otta, but there are still protesters who insist on staying, hundreds of small trucks and other vehicles blocked by them.Living on the street.

In addition to sending leaflets to persuade the protesters to leave, the Ottawa police also warn them through the loudspeaker, and they will be charged and the car will be charged.

Canadian Prime Minister TrudeauThis Monday issued an emergency state order to give law enforcement officers more power to arrest demonstrators and prohibit funds for protests. The central area of Ottawa is also strictly prohibited from public rally.

Canadian truck drivers are last timeAnti -vaccine demonstration was initiated on the 28th to protest the government forced cross -border drivers vaccination. The protesters initially drove to Ottawa to protest, and then the demonstration wave spread to Canada., Australia and other countries have subsequently followed the demonstration.

Canadian Foreign Minister Ruoli accused "foreign intervention" that promoted the demonstration.Ruoli showed that he would not name anyone. Trump recently expressed support for the demonstration of the demonstration of the demonstration of the demonstration of the demonstration of the demonstration at a rally in Texas, and even issued a statement to criticize Trudeau as "extremely left lunatic".