More than 10 Chinese companies have been ignited and smashed

(Beijing / Naipi Comprehensive News) At least 10 factories in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, were smashed by people yesterday, most of which are Chinese or Chinese -Myanmar joint ventures.The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar confirmed that many Chinese personnel were injured and asked Myanmar to stop all violence.

According to CCTV news reports, these factories are located in multiple industrial areas, mainly for clothing processing plants, clothing auxiliary materials factories and supporting equipment factories.Most of the ameter ride motorcycles with iron rods, ax and gasoline barrels; after rushing into the factory, they first smashed and threatened on duty personnel, and then set fire. At present, the status of the arson cannot be determined.Because the arsonists have weapons and have roadblocks along the road, the local fire department claims that it is difficult to go to rescue.

Sources revealed that the factories that have been arson include two clothing factories in the Ledia Industrial Zone in Yangon, one of which is a Chinese -funded clothing factory and the other is a China -Myanmar joint venture.

The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar confirmed on the official website that many Chinese -funded factories in the Ledia Industrial Zone were smashed and burned by criminals, and some employees were trapped.Ambassador spokesman pointed out yesterday that the vast majority of the victims from the textile clothing industry. The investment of Chinese -funded enterprises in this field creates nearly 400,000 employment opportunities for Myanmar.Essence

The Chinese Embassy has condemned the nature of the smashing and burning incidents, and requires the Myanmar to take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese enterprises and personnel.

"We call on the people of Myanmar to express their demands legally and not being incited and used to destroy China -Myanmar friendly cooperation."