(Washington / Brussels Comprehensive) U.S. and European officials said that if the Russian army really invaded Ukraine, the United States and the allies have developed a detailed plan to adopt coordinated sanctions on Russia, but if Russia take other forms of action,How to deal with Europe and the United States, all parties cannot reach an agreement.

This means that if Russia repeats its past strategies, such as launching network attacks, conducting fake information promotion wars, or strengthening support for pro -Russian separatists, Europe and the United States may not respond in a timely manner to fight against PutinEssence

It is required that anonymous European officials told Reuters that Europe and the United States have developed plans for "a series of scenarios" and various emergencies, including Ukraine's cyber attacks suspected of Russia this week.However, any coordination action still requires further consultation.

They said that there are general consensus in various countries, and the sanctions will be ready within 48 hours when the invasion operation occurs, but what is the trigger point, they have to continue to discuss.

An official said that Russia can perform "thousands of scenes" in Ukraine or surrounding areas, which will trigger whether these actions are worthwhile to implement sanctions in the West.He said: "This will eventually be a pure and highly political discussion."

For the EU's large -scale sanctions on Russia, European diplomats revealed that Russia's closest ally in the EU—— Hungary, Italy, and Austria all believe that these sanctions can only come in handy when Russia launch military attacks.

An American official said that excessive attention will be transferred to the threat of other unconventional war, but this also reflects that allies still have differences in how to cope with non -military operations.

It is known that Sweden has proposed to discuss that if Putin only has the garrison on the Ukrainian border and reduces the number of people, it never launchs an attack, but only puts tremendous pressure on the Ukrainian economy, or occasionally launch a cyber attack, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries, all countries in various countries.How to deal with.

However, other member states are not interested in this, worrying that this will cause the European Union to fall into differences, thereby destroying the unified position of the alliance.

A senior diplomat said: "Many EU countries do not want to discuss, what other actions are worth sanctions ... This is because those countries that are close to Russia, such as Hungary, will oppose that they have not invaded in Russia.Under the circumstances, any sanctions are imposed. "

Other countries, including Poland, believe that the EU should respond only in the case of" indefinitely "in Russia to make such harassment.

Another US official pointed out that it is very difficult for Russia to take a wide range of actions to formulate plans. Now disclosure of plans for the United States and allies may also allow Putin to analyze more accurate cost benefits and give him potential potentiallyAdvantage.