International Special Special

Li Yuexia

[email protected]

The demonstration of the road caused by the Canadian truck driver took the leadAfter many days, the local police finally entered the cleanup. The border bridge "Ambassador Bridge", which was blocked for six days by a truck driver, resumed the pass on February 14. Disturer occupies the largest cross -border bridge between Canada and the United States.It is $ 100 million (about S $ 404 million). The protesters have blocked the ambassador bridge and the city center of many places for several weeks, exposing the old border infrastructure and supply chain bottlenecks for many problems.At the same time, Canadian transport industry pointed out that demonstrations have nothing to do with vaccination, and there are actually very few truck drivers affected by new epidemic prevention.

The Canadian police dispeld the demonstrators of the Ambassador Bridge temporarily eased the chaos, and similar demonstrations in other places were still continuing.

Ambassador Bridge's blocking operation is actually the effect of the Ottawa protests began on January 29. The initial demand was that the truck driver asked the government to abolish the forced vaccination vaccine and other epidemic prevention measures.EssenceLater, the people who opposed Prime Minister Trudeau's government policy also made a voice.

The imitation of the demonstrations also occurred outside Canada, including Switzerland's largest city of Zurich, the Dutch Administrative Center Hague, the French capital Paris, the Australian capital Canberra, the New Zealand capital Wellington and other places.The people of Wellington even raised a camp near the Capitol Building and refused to dissipate.

On February 13, the Canadian police officer had more than 50 police cars to connect to the Ambassador Bridge of Windsor and Detroit Bridge of Windsor and Detroit, the United States.A local police officer later said that 20 or 30 demonstrators were arrested and the police confiscated vehicles in the demonstration area.

The longer you drag, the more you think that such a demonstration is not illegal

Previously, Ontario Provincial Governor Ford announced an emergency order on the 11th and sealed it.The movement of infrastructure was listed as an illegal act, and the court subsequently issued a ban.However, demonstrations have continued in many places across the country.Coutts in Alberta, Emerson in Manitibaba, and British Columbia and other border ports have not dispersed because of orders, making TruMulti -government is in a dilemma.The team demonstrations also spread to Toronto, Vancouver, Cargary, Montreal and other places.

The government obviously avoids the use of force, but Kenpa, an associate professor of criminal criminal professors at the University of Ottawa, believes: "The longer this situation is dragged, the more people think that this kind of demonstration is not illegal."

Trudeau quoted the Emergency Law on the 14th to strengthen the Federal Government's ability to deal with and occupy the situation against provinces and regions.He emphasized that this can avoid mobilizing the army.

The Ottawa police warned that the truck driver in the city center had to leave, otherwise it would be arrested.Steve Bell, the head of the police force, vowed that the police would "take back the entire city center and every occupied space in the next few days."

The plugging action directly impact the economy is also a challenge to the authority.Federal Public Security Minister Marco Mendicino accused extreme organizations of supporting protests in Ottawa and other places, and then mentioned that someone wanted to overthrow the Liberal Party government.

The Alfa Provincial Police arrested 13 people participating in the Coses' blockade on the 14th, and received a batch of ammunition and weapons, including firearms and a machete.Four of them were charged with murder.

The cause of this series of road blocking operations is a new regulations on epidemic prevention that the United States and the Canadian government implemented on January 15 this year, requiring that all transit the United States and Canadian truck drivers must be vaccinated by the crown disease.After the presence of the presence, it may be isolated for 14 days.

Some truck drivers of the two countries of Canada immediately expressed strong protests, and then the so -called "Free Team" in Canada "marched" to Ottawa and entered Ottawa on January 29.Backing flute, interfere with the lives of the local people.Ottawa Mayor James Watson announced on February 6 that the city has entered an emergency.

Truck industry: Proter's activity has nothing to do with vaccination

The protesters are under the banner of anti -mandatory vaccine vaccination, but some operators point outIt has nothing to do with vaccination at all, and the new vaccine rules are "not a problem at all."

TFI International Inc., the chairman and president of TFI International Inc.The influence of new rules.Most of his company's drivers have completed vaccination.For drivers who still refuse to vaccine, the company currently allows them to perform domestic transportation tasks.This is exactly the strategy used by several large transportation companies. I believe that it is difficult for a few transportation companies to deal with it.This shows that there are only a few drivers influenced by the government.

Truck driver Holly told reporters in Ottawa that she was present to ensure that every Canadian citizen had a positive future.Obviously, protests have their own purpose.

Some people mean that the government is systematically split the people.Some protesters pointed out that they lost their jobs or were forced to leave because they refused to vaccine.A protester said that either injection or bankruptcy.Reta, a retired tool manufacturer, said that some people had to leave the job that had been adhered to for more than 10 years because they did not want to take over experimental vaccines, and their families suffered.

There are no shortage of people in politicians, doctors and media in the protests.Clock, the health care industry worker, said that the government is trying to maintain the upward trend of numbers and keep people fear.She believes that this is information about fear, not information about medical care.

Someone is to fight for the right to choose."You can choose to cover your mouth and nose and choose vaccine, but don't think that you have the right to impose your fear and belief on me."

Someone has accumulated for a long time to ventresentment.Self -hired construction worker Jerom said the working class that assumed the consequences of epidemic prevention.He said that the cost of food, housing and energy soared, and some people couldn't even keep the house.

In addition, the list of protest donors recently revealed to show that some people abroad provide funds to achieve their own purposes and allow protests that disrupt the Canadian economy.

The "distributed secret blocking" of the leaked data (DDOS) said on the 13th that after the US Christian fundraising platform Givesendgo was attacked by a hacker, the donor's information leakage was revealed.EssenceThe leaked information shows that after the donor to donate to the so -called "free fleet" to the so -called "free fleet", Givesendgo became the main channel for the protesters.This platform claims this month that it has raised $ 8 million for the protests.

The funds of Canadian protests have become a key point.The federal government has required financial institutions to monitor and stop all transactions provided by demonstrators.The government also requires insurance companies to suspend their participation in illegalThe policies of the assembly vehicles are expected to slow down the loss of economic suffering as soon as possible.

Ambassador Bridge blocked the border car dealer more than 400 million yuan

The consulting company Anderson Economic Group estimates on the 15th that the blocking operation of the Ambassador Bridge alone aloneThe car manufacturer on the side of Canada lost $ 155 million, while the car manufacturers on both sides of the border directly lost nearly $ 300 million (about S $ 404 million).

Last week, car manufacturers such as Toyota, GM, Ford, and Chrysler announced that they were forced to cancel or reduce some production in North American factories due to the shortage of components due to the protests of truck drivers.

The Ambassador Bridge, which was built in 1929 and a 92 -year history, is a suspension bridge connecting Windsor, Canada and Detroit, USA.More than a quarter of the two -quarters of the two places in Canada and the United States are carried out through this bridge, and the two -way goods of the Ambassador Bridge are worth about $ 360 million (about S $ 480 million) every day.

The blocking operation also impacted the manufacturer and directly hit the neighboring merchants.McDonald's restaurant manager near the Ottawa assembly point said that restaurant revenue plummeted from 20,000 Canadian dollars ($ 12,1218) to $ 3,000 per day because customers only had protesters, media personnel and police.

The blocking also brings out a more important supply chain problem, which is worried that Canada may suffer painful economic atrophy in the first quarter.Economists also warned that the extension of the interruption of the supply chain may promote the increase in inflation rates that have reached 30 years of high.

"Sea-Intelligence", the supply chain analysis agency of Copenhagen, pointedMonth can be recovered.

Canada relies heavily on exports, and nearly 32%of its GDP comes from exports.In addition to the Ambassador Bridge, the shutdown point of the Blue Water Bridge of 105 kilometers north of the Ambassador Bridge is closed and delayed, which also affects manufacturers such as cosmetics and drugs.

Dennis Darby, a Canadian manufacturer and exporter chairman, said: "Anyone in the North American supply chain, whether it is obtained from the United States or the goods, or sending parts or goods to the United States,Both began to see the blocking period. "

Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Independence Enterprise Federation, said:" Even before the crown disease is popular, our border infrastructure is very fragile.There are often delays ... We see this in real time now. "

The bottleneck of the Ambassador Bridge is related to the Americans.Canada is really puzzling.It turned out that this also involved Americans and involved Republicans.Moroun, the U.S. billionaire family, has worked hard to build a new bridge replacement or sharing the ambassador bridge for decades.This family charge a transit fee of $ 45 per truck.About 2.3 million trucks passed the Ambassador Bridge last year, and this account was not difficult to count.

The Morlon family persuaded the legislature controlled by the Michigan Republican Party to oppose the plan to fund Jianxinqiao and launch a number of legal challenges.Finally, by 2012, Rick SNYDER, a Republican governor in Michigan, accepted the Canadian government's proposal to pay most of the costs of the new bridge, and used administrative power to bypass legislative agencies and promote the construction of a bridge.

Bill Anderson, director of the Institute of Cross -border Research Institute of Windsor University, estimates that the Gordie Howe, which is built downstream of the Ambassador Bridge and costs $ 4.4 billionThe transit time is shortened by 20 minutes, saving 2.3 billion US dollars for truck drivers within 30 years.

Anderson also mentioned a major advantage of the new bridge, that is, the customs square of the new bridge is more difficult to block, because it does not directly connect with the nearby urban streets.He said: "This is the construction of a fast highway with another fast highway." Anderson added: "Its life span will be more than 100 years and will make global companies confident to continue to invest in Canada."