Cai Tiancheng sorting

[email protected]

Western media quoted witnesses and Myanmar media reports that Saturday's second largest city in Myanmar Manderler, the police fired the people sitting in the protest against the protest, causing four to die.According to the UN Human Rights Office, at least 81 people have died since the military coup on February 1, and the number of arrested people is difficult to estimate.

(Yangon Composite Electric) The Burmese military continues to be bloody on demonstrations, and those who are wounded have continued to increase.According to reports, at least 11 demonstrators in Myanmar were shot by the security forces yesterday, which was one of the most bloody days after the anti -soldiers' seizure of power.

Western media quoted witnesses and Myanmar media reports that Saturday's second largest city in Myanmar Mandalay, the police fired the people sitting in protests sitting in the protest, causing four people to die and nearly 20 injuries.

At least three demonstrators in Yangon, the largest city, were shot and killed by the police; two people died in Bago in the northeast of Yangon; one person in the capital of the capital, Magway, in the capital.die.One person was killed in Pyay, southwest of Nei Bidou.

According to the United Nations Human Rights Office, at least 81 people have died since the military coup on February 1, and the number of arrested people is difficult to estimate.

Demonstrate: Safety Force does not allow ambulances to rescue wounded

A demonstrator (23 years old) who required anonymous (23) to require the safety forces that the safety forces originally did not allow the ambulance to rescue the wounded, and later allowed."But when they finally let go, the situation of one of the wounded has become serious, and then died."

AFC reporter described that the demonstrators in Bymum town used their own shields to block military police attacks, and took the shield as a cover to take away the injured and bleeding.

The demonstrators responded to the appeal on social media and went to the street because yesterday was the anniversary of a young man in 1988 in the demonstration of the anti -troops.At the same time, the students named Phone MAW and the death of another student in the Yangon Institute of Technology and the other students in a few weeks caused large -scale anti -military government waves and bloody targets.The wave of resistance reached its peak in August, so it was called the "8-8-88 Movement", and it was estimated that as many as 3,000 people were killed during the period.Weng Shan Shuzhi rose in that movement and became a representative of democracy. It was placed under house arrest for nearly 20 years.

This time Weng Shan and her election government led by the government were overthrown again. The military government accused her in multiple crimes, including intended to incite riots or even bribery.

Qinbang's human rights active Salai said yesterday that in the northwest, Hakha, the capital of Chin, the riot police and soldiers entered a hospital, forcing all about 30 patients to leave, and drove the hospital employees.

In order to deal with citizens from obeying the movement, the military has recently sent troops to occupy hospitals and universities in various places.Citizens have obtained response from all walks of life from the movement. From professionals such as doctors, engineers, teachers, etc., they have launched strikes to civil servants in various departments, which has caused many fields to be paused and unable to operate normally.

Local and foreign journalists are also dealt with

In addition to demonstrators, local and foreign reporters have been dealt with recently.According to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a Polish reporter was arrested a few days ago.This was the second foreign journalist who was deducted. Earlier, a Japanese journalist was briefly detained while interviewing demonstration.The military government also controlled five reporters to court the day before yesterday, saying that they spread fake news and created panic.Four of them are Myanmar reporters, and the other is a photographer of the Associated Press.

Myanmar's Economic Economy Towards Crane Side

Press 12