News World

Zhuang Huiliang


Taiwan's legislators have reported that extramarital affairs are not new, but most of the parties will publicly apologize for the first time.Wang Dingyu, known as the DPP war general and aggressive speaking, was revealed by Mirror Weekly on Tuesday that he had not appeared since he "cohabited" with his party spokesman Yan Ruofang.

Wang Dingyu was in the tenure of Tainan City Councilor, because he led the crowd to overthrow Zhang Mingqing, the former vice president of the mainland Maritime Association who came to Taiwan as a professor at Xiamen University at the time, became famous in one fell swoop.He later argued that he would only help Zhang "help" who fell to the ground.

After the film of Wang Dingyu and Yan Ruofang's shadow was exposed, Wang explained that Wang Yizhi explained that he leased a room in the two rooms in Datong District, Taipei to Yan Ruofang. His wife Li Shuyin also knew.Yan also said clearly that Wang Rent gave her NT $ 8,000 (S $ 381) per month, but she lived in her parents' house and occasionally came overnight.

The two people say the same statement, but ignore a part of the media usually published first. When the parties deny it, they will throw the deadly key evidence to make them die.The Mirror Weekly lost 49 photos the next day, emphasizing letting the photos speak and restoring the truth.

Weekly followed the filming for four months and found that Wang Dingyu, who was advertised as a loved wife and wife, lived in Yan's house about three to five days a week. Last year, Li Shuyin's birthday, the couple took a sweet photo with the three sons.Home.Lian Wang Dingyu was used to punching in the face book and was also revealed as "fake punch card". For example, Wang was posted on the street view near Taipei Station at 7:14 on the morning of March 5, but Wang's fragrant girlfriend was still at 7.47.

The political fame found the pattern diagram similar to the Yan family. It means that although the house has two bedrooms, there is only one set of semicircular equipment. Unless Wang Qian takes a bath, the master bedroom of the face must be bathing.It is difficult for people to imitate the famous Japanese table tennis star Fukuhara, who has recently been full of troubles.

During Wang Yan, during the period of Wang Yan, the Democratic Progressive Party legislators faced the sudden "intelligent question and answer" of the media, and most people were embarrassed and inconvenient.Luo Zhizhi, who had been photographed with the assistant party who entered the Motor Tie, was taken, and his face changed "I don't answer."

The DPP legislator Xu Zhijie slowly cheeks Wang, saying that the free club equipment of the Legislative Yuan is simple, and the legislators have to read the "bad room Ming" self -reliance; at the wild Kuomintang legislators Ye Yulan immediately posted photos of the equipment hall with all the equipment.Xu Xu "Poor Poor Talk"; in the perspective of living justice, the party legislator Cai Qiru reminded that Wang Ruo has the fact that he rents a house, will Yan pay taxes?

Wang Dingyu used to have a righteousness in shape. A few days ago, Fuyuan commented that the Fuyuan love incident was "the most hurt". In the past, he also laughed at the "false" of the Kuomintang legislator Wu Yusheng, who was photographed by an affair.

The pro -blue media and even the mainland netizens have fell to the anti -China War to include taxes (sleeping) for the rents (sleeping), and the green camp TV station and the Ministry of Television have not been mentioned in the past few days.Wang Dingyu, the convener of the Democratic Progressive Party, returned with a video connection on the Sanli TV station controlled by the Haipai on Thursday, but scolded the former mayor of Kaohsiung Mayor Han Yu.The court was beaten by the Supervisory Court.

Some media speculated that Wang Dingyu's extramarital affairs were exposed, which may be related to the internal faction nominated by the mayor of Tainan in 2022.Regardless of whether it is true or not, this incident has caused harm to the sea school who wants to actively expand the political map of Wanghe. The outside world is curious about how this fierce battle will comment on his behavior?