(Morning News) European security and cooperation groups Osce said on Saturday (February 19), saying thatThe attack on the front line of the eastern Ukraine increased significantly.

Agence France -Presse reported that in a statement issued on Saturday (February 19), Ou'an said: "In recent days, the OEan Organization Ukraine Special Observation Group (SMM) observed it inIn the eastern Ukrainian contact line, the Kinetic Activity event increased sharply. "

also said that the number of violations of the ceasefire incident was not comparable to the reaching fire agreement in July 2022.

According to the Russian news agency, a natural gas pipeline in Lugiak, near the Donbask region of the eastern Ukrainian area, was locally burned on the Friday night after the explosion.

INTERFAX quoted local natural gas suppliers that the natural gas pipeline was attacked by a "strong explosion".

In April 2014, the Wudong separationist militia armed forces supported by Russia had a bloody conflict with the Ukrainian government forces. The militia armed forces later announced the establishment of the "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Lugusk People's Republic".EssenceAfter mediation by the international community, the conflict between the conflicts reached a ceasefire agreement in the Baillo capital's capital Minsk in September 2014 and February 2015. After that, the large -scale armed conflict was controlled, but the small -scale firefights occurred from time to time.