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(Morning News) The US anti-vaccine truck team plans to publish a national affair Counseling period in President Biden. Open to Washington Special Economic Zone.

Reuters reported that Biden will publish a national information on March 1 on March 1.The U.S. Police said on Friday (February 18) that the anti -vaccine truck brigade was preparing a series of protests and prepared to protest to Congress when Bayeng went to Congress to speak.

The police police have discussed the measures. Temporary fences are still one of their options within the scope of the parliamentary building, but the case has not yet been set.

According to the National Public Broadcasting Station (NPR), due to the slowdown of the crown disease in the United States, all members of the two houses of the Congress were invited to watch Biden's speech at Congress.Last year, due to the serious U.S. epidemic, when Biden published a national information, Congress only allowed about 20%of parliamentarians to come to the scene.

According to the internal memorandum of internal memorandums released by the US House of Representatives on February 17, the attendees of the Biden Guoqing Counseling speech on March 1 must conduct nucleic acid testing (PCR) on February 28 and obtain negative.As a result, we had to wear a high -quality KN95 or N95 mask throughout the process, and follow the social distance measures.