The U.S. Indo -Pacific Command submitted a budget report to Congress on Monday (1st), urging Congress to double the "Pacific deterrence plan" to approve it to deal with China's increasing security challenge.

According to the Voice of the United States, according to reports obtained by the defense newspapers and periodicals, the Indo -Pacific Command proposed that the appropriation of the Pacific deterrence plan increased from US $ 2.2 billion in fiscal year to US $ 4.6 billion in fiscal year in 2022, and and of $ 4.6 billion in fiscal year.It is planned to invest 27.3 billion US dollars for this plan in the next five years.

The Indo -Pacific Command plans to use this special funds to add a new missile defense system to deploy radar stations and new communication satellites, and build a new training base in the Indo -Pacific area.

Report to Congress explained to Congress that the United States needs to establish a precise combat combat network that can be attacked by enemy attacks on the first Pacific island chain.And establish a number of training bases in combat fields throughout the region so that the U.S. and Allied forces can train and jointly fight together.

Admiral Phil Davidson, commander of the Indo -Pacific Command Commander, mentioned this report on a defense forum held in Hawaii on Monday on Monday, "We must convince Beijing that the cost of using force to achieve the goal is too high."

In the last year of the Trump administration, the U.S. Congress launched a new "Pacific Deterrence Initiate" during the National Defense Law.The Senate Military Commission said in a bill summary: "The 'Pacific deterrence plan' will send strong signals to China and any potential opponent, as well as our allies and partners, that is, the United States is deeply committed to defending our interests in that area."

Bynden's first president, he personally announced the establishment of a Chinese working group in the Pentagon in person to examine the strategic and military situation of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region to cope with China's increasingly severe challenge.The US Defense Minister Austin said at the Senate's nomination confirmation hearing in January this year that China is "the most worrying competitor we face."

Defense observer believes that various signs show that the Bayeng government will maintain a tough position for China and take the key to maintaining the strong military forces in the Indo -Pacific region as the key to implementing this strategy.