Russia has recently actively attracted the Central and South American countries, causing the outside world to speculate that it intends to send military forces in the region, including deployment of nuclear missiles.Argentine President Fernandez, who visited Russia, also said that Argentina wants to get rid of dependence on the United States and hopes to cooperate with Russia.

(Rio de Janeiro) Central South America has always been regarded as the backyard of the United States. Russia, which is currently competing with the United States on the Ukrainian issueIt intends to dispatch military forces in the area, including deployment of nuclear missiles.

The New York Times reported that Russian President Putin recently talked to Nicaragua President Ortega, which is the first time in the past eight years; Putin also called Venezuela and Cuba leaders at the same time.Argentine President Fernandez, the latter, said that Argentina wants to get rid of the dependence on the United States and hopes to cooperate with Russia.

Yesterday, the United States said it would be the day when Russia invaded Ukraine, and Putin met with another South American leader Brazilian President Bosonaro.The United States had previously put pressure on Bosonaro, asking him to cancel his visit to Russia when he was tense in Ukraine, but he did not give up.

New Time pointed out that Putin is extending the tentacles to the distant Western Hemisphere, hoping to establish a connection with the Central and South American countries including Brazil and Argentina, which have always been close to the United States.

Putin accused NATO in December of December that it had said that it had threatened Russia. If Western countries "continued their provocative routes", Russia would take "military technology action" to respond.Russian officials subsequently hinted that military technology operations may include military deployment in the Western Hemisphere, and official media and analysts have speculated that this may contain bold moves, such as deploy nuclear missiles in the Latin American friendly state.

Latin American countries have increased the bargaining chips with the United States

The real intentions of Putin have always been elusive.The problem disrupts enemy thinking and countermeasures.At the same time, Latin American leaders also have their own political considerations, such as borrowing Putin to fight for more chips with conditions with the United States.At present, the United States and China still enjoy greater influence in Latin America.

Russia's recent Latin American diplomacy reports that the larger goal in Putin's foreign policy is to rebuild the status of Russia's former superpower, which is enough to touch the United States.

Ruwinski, a professor at the University of Easeise of Colombia, pointed out that in Putin's view, Latin America is a region that the United States attaches great importance to, so he attracting the Latin American countries to respond to the Ukraine issue.

Putin used the connection established by the former Soviet Union and the Latin American countries, coupled with the folk anti -American emotions of these countries, and the repeated impermanence of some Latin American leaders to develop diplomatic space in Central South America.During the crown disease epidemic, Western rich countries have accumulated vaccines, while Russia seized the opportunity to show it. The first to send Argentina, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Paraguay to Russia Satellite V vaccine.

In the middle of last month, a deputy minister of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked whether Russia would build military facilities in Venezuela or Cuba, and he answered that this possibility was not ruled out.A few days later, Putin talked with leaders of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, confirming the establishment of "strategic partnerships" with these countries.